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Correction: Clinicians’ perspectives on incidentally discovered silent brain infarcts – A qualitative study

  • Lester Y. Leung,
  • Paul K. J. Han,
  • Christine Lundquist,
  • Gene Weinstein,
  • David E. Thaler,
  • David M. Kent
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The sixth author’s name is missing the middle initial. The correct name is: David M. Kent. The correct citation is: Leung LY, Han PKJ, Lundquist C, Weinstein G, Thaler DE, Kent DM (2018) Clinicians’ perspectives on incidentally discovered silent brain infarcts—A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194971.


  1. 1. Leung LY, Han PKJ, Lundquist C, Weinstein G, Thaler DE, Kent D (2018) Clinicians’ perspectives on incidentally discovered silent brain infarcts—A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194971. pmid:29596459