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Fig 1.

Overview of experimental protocol.

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Pre-training and magnitude of response for training periods 1 and 2 for all participants.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Group responses following 3 weeks of END and SIT.

Group responses for VO2peak (A), lactate threshold (B), submaximal HR (C), and WRpeak (D). *Significant main effect of training, p < 0.05.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Correlations of individual responses following 3 weeks of END and SIT.

Relationship between individual responses in VO2peak (A) and lactate threshold (B). Dashed lines represent the typical error cut-offs. Individuals falling within the shaded area failed to improve either VO2peak or lactate threshold following both END and SIT, while the hashed area represents an adverse response following both training protocols.

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 2.

Participant characteristics and group responses to END and SIT.

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Table 2 Expand

Fig 4.

Individual patterns of response following three weeks of training.

Positive responses (white boxes), non-responses (grey boxes) and adverse responses (black boxes) are shown for all participants across all variables following END (A) and SIT (B). A dashed box indicates that data was unavailable for a given variable. Individuals who failed to improve any variables for either END or SIT, “Overall non-responders” are indicated by diamond filled boxes. The percentage of participants demonstrating a non-response (NR; including both non- and adverse responses) for each variable, and overall, is also provided.

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Fig 4 Expand