About the Authors

Vera Oldrati


Affiliations Atheris SA, Chemin d’Alcire 1, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva, Switzerland, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, EPGL, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, 1, Rue Michel-Servet, Geneva 4, Switzerland

Dominique Koua

Affiliation Atheris SA, Chemin d’Alcire 1, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva, Switzerland

Pierre-Marie Allard

Affiliation School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, EPGL, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, 1, Rue Michel-Servet, Geneva 4, Switzerland

Nicolas Hulo

Affiliations University of Geneva, CMU, 1, Rue Michel Servet, Geneva 4, Switzerland, Atheris Laboratories, Chemin d’Alcire 1, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva, Switzerland

Miriam Arrell

Affiliation Atheris SA, Chemin d’Alcire 1, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva, Switzerland

Wolfgang Nentwig

Affiliation University of Bern, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 6, Baltzerstrasse, Bern, Switzerland

Frédérique Lisacek

Affiliations University of Geneva, CMU, 1, Rue Michel Servet, Geneva 4, Switzerland, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, CUI, 7, Route de Drize, Geneva, Switzerland

Jean-Luc Wolfender

Affiliation School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, EPGL, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, 1, Rue Michel-Servet, Geneva 4, Switzerland

Lucia Kuhn-Nentwig

Affiliation University of Bern, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 6, Baltzerstrasse, Bern, Switzerland

Reto Stöcklin

Affiliation Atheris SA, Chemin d’Alcire 1, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva, Switzerland

Competing Interests

This study was funded in part by Atheris Laboratories and Atheris SA (herein jointly referred to as “Atheris”). This study is also funded in part by SystemsX.ch, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology (SpidX Bridge to Industry project, see http://www.systemsx.ch/index.php?id=123). SystemsX.ch is a Swiss public-sector research initiative focusing on basic research. SystemsX.ch comprises fifteen equal partners under a “simple partnership”, one of which is the commercial company IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. VO, NH, DK, MA and RS are or were employed by Atheris. A provisional patent application entitled “novel spider venom peptides, encoding nucleic acids and uses thereof” has been filed in Switzerland under the number “00806/16” by Atheris SA to cover some of the discoveries. There are no further patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: RS FL LKN WN VO. Data curation: NH DK RS VO. Formal analysis: NH DK VO. Funding acquisition: RS FL WN. Investigation: VO PMA LKN. Methodology: VO NH DK WN FL JLW LKN RS. Project administration: RS WN FL LKN. Resources: RS LKN JLW FL. Software: NH DK FL RS. Supervision: WN FL JLW LKN RS. Validation: NH WN LKN RS. Visualization: VO MA JLW RS. Writing – original draft: VO MA JLW RS. Writing – review & editing: VO MA WN FL JLW LKN RS.