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Correction: Systematic Review of HIV Transmission between Heterosexual Serodiscordant Couples where the HIV-Positive Partner Is Fully Suppressed on Antiretroviral Therapy

  • Mona R. Loutfy,
  • Wei Wu,
  • Michelle Letchumanan,
  • Lise Bondy,
  • Tony Antoniou,
  • Shari Margolese,
  • Yimeng Zhang,
  • Sergio Rueda,
  • Frank McGee,
  • Ryan Peck,
  • Louise Binder,
  • Patricia Allard,
  • Sean B. Rourke,
  • Paula A. Rochon
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There are errors in the last two sentences of the first paragraph of the "Discussion" section. The correct sentences are: An HIV transmission rate per person-years can be converted to lifetime risk by multiplying the upper end of our 95% CI (which was 0.0001 in our sensitivity analysis) by 20 to 50 years which is the expected life expectancy of someone diagnosed to be HIV positive who starts on cART [39,40]. This would translate into approximately a 1 in 200 to 1 in 500 lifetime risk of HIV transmission to the uninfected partner (i.e. 0.2–0.5%; which is equivalent to 0.1% risk per 10 years of relationship and sexual activity). Additionally, there is an error in the last sentence of the second paragraph of the "Discussion" section. The correct sentence is: In a similar fashion to how Attia et al reported, the upper limit of the 95% CI for our sensitivity analysis revealed one transmission in 10,000 person-years from data with 2,848 person-years of follow-up, more person-years being reported on the topic to date.