model{ ######################################################### # This is JAGS code to accompany Tredennick et al. 2013 # ######################################################### #This code, and any updates to it, can also be found on GitHub: # ########## Term definitions ############# # Nsp = number of species # # Ntree = number of trees # # m = trait counter # # k = species counter # # i = observation counter # ######################################### ##HYPERPRIORS #define the 4x4 precision matrix in Equation 4 Omega[1:4, 1:4] ~ dwish(R[1:4,1:4], 4) #R refers to the positive definite matrix and 4 is the degrees of freedom Sigma[1:4, 1:4] <- inverse(Omega[1:4, 1:4]) #alpha (normalizing constant) and beta (scaling exponent) priors #define prior distributions of scaling parameters for each trait m (where m = length, aboveground mass, stem mass, or leaf mass) for (m in 1:4){ #define 'global' prior distribution as uniform/uniformative mu.alpha[m] ~ dunif(-10,10) mu.beta[m]~ dunif(-10,10) #define precision terms for global distributions #species-level error sig.alpha[m] ~ dunif(0,2) tau.alpha[m] <- 1/sig.alpha[m]^2 sig.beta[m] ~ dunif(0,2) tau.beta[m] <- 1/sig.beta[m]^2 #individual-level error sig.alpha.ind[m] ~ dunif(0,2) tau.alpha.ind[m] <- 1/sig.alpha.ind[m]^2 sig.beta.ind[m] ~ dunif(0,2) tau.beta.ind[m] <- 1/sig.beta.ind[m]^2 #Compute variance terms spp.var[m] <- sig.beta[m]^2 ind.var[m] <- sig.beta.ind[m]^2 } #close variable loop (m) ##HIERARCHICAL PRIORS #Prior for precision of latent Rho based on Elzinga et al. (2005) error rate (see Price et al. 2009); "Measurement error rates of 5% of tree diameter or greater may be expected in dbh measurements on as many as 5% of measured trees." According to Price et al., "...choose lognormal prior for sigD that gives E(sigD) = 0.021 and P(sigD > 0.05) = 0.054; Note, sigD describes the measurement error on the log-scale and thus can be interpretted as the "multiplicative" or "percent" error rate." sigD ~ dlnorm(-4.135,2) tauD <- pow(sigD,-2) #Priors for alpha and beta for(k in 1:Nsp){ for (m in 1:4){ #These are species specific (species k, trait m) alpha.species[k,m] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[m], tau.alpha[m]) beta.species[k,m] ~ dnorm(mu.beta[m], tau.beta[m]) for(i in 1:Ntree[k]){ #these are tree specific (tree i, species k, trait m) alpha[i,k,m] ~ dnorm(alpha.species[k,m], tau.alpha.ind[m]) beta[i,k,m] ~ dnorm(beta.species[k,m], tau.beta.ind[m]) } } #close variable loop (m) } #close species loop (k) ##LIKELIHOOD and DATA MODEL for (i in 1:N){ ##Berkson model for "true"/latent log diameter (see Price et al. 2009) Lrho[i] ~ dnorm(LogDiameter[i], tauD) ##Define mean vector, i.e the scaling model where alpha is the species-specific normalizing constant and beta is species-specific scaling exponent. for(m in 1:4){ mu.all[i,m] <- alpha[tree[i],SP[i],m] + beta[tree[i],SP[i],m]*Lrho[i] #generate new mu for poseterior predictive check[i,m] <- alpha[tree[i],SP[i],m] + beta[tree[i],SP[i],m]*Lrho[i] } ##The likelihood is a multivariate normal distribution with mean mu and precision matrix Omega. Data are as follows: Y[,1] = loglength, Y[,2] = logleafmass, and Y[,3] = logwoodmass. Y[i,1:4] ~ dmnorm(mu.all[i,1:4], Omega[1:4,1:4]) #generate new data for posterior predictive check[i, 1:4] ~ dmnorm([i,1:4], Omega[1:4,1:4]) } #close observation (i) loop # # # Posterior predictive checks for (i in 1:5){ betalength.coge[i]<-beta[i,2,1] betamass.coge[i]<-beta[i,2,2] betawoodm.coge[i]<-beta[i,2,3] betaleafm.coge[i]<-beta[i,2,4] } for (i in 1:10){ betalength.demi[i]<-beta[i,1,1] betamass.demi[i]<-beta[i,1,2] betawoodm.demi[i]<-beta[i,1,3] betaleafm.demi[i]<-beta[i,1,4] } for (i in 1:10){ betalength.cogl[i]<-beta[i,3,1] betamass.cogl[i]<-beta[i,3,2] betawoodm.cogl[i]<-beta[i,3,3] betaleafm.cogl[i]<-beta[i,3,4] } # Posterior predictive checks for (m in 1:4){[m] <- step(mean(Y[,m])-mean([,m]))[m] <- step(sd(Y[,m])-sd([,m])) for (i in 1:N){ sq[i,m] <- (Y[i,m]-mu.all[i,m])^2[i,m] <- ([i,m]-mu.all[i,m])^2 } fit[m] <- sum(sq[,m])[m] <- sum([,m])[m] <-step(fit[m][m]) beta.spp.diff[1,m] <- beta.species[1,m] - beta.species[2,m] beta.spp.diff[2,m] <- beta.species[1,m] - beta.species[3,m] beta.spp.diff[3,m] <- beta.species[2,m] - beta.species[3,m] alpha.spp.diff[1,m] <- alpha.species[1,m] - alpha.species[2,m] alpha.spp.diff[2,m] <- alpha.species[1,m] - alpha.species[3,m] alpha.spp.diff[3,m] <- alpha.species[2,m] - alpha.species[3,m] } for(m in 1:4){ y.pred[,m] <- mu.alpha[m]+x.pred*mu.beta[m] } }