\begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline &&&&&&&&\\ $P_R$ & $P_C$& $M_R$ & $M_C$ & $N$ & $F_{ST}(crit)$ & $\hat{F}_{ST}$ & SE & Pval \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline\hline\hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} &{\bf P2} & 200 & 200 & 50 & 0.007 & $ < 0.0001$ & $ <0.0001$ & 0.725 \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 50 & 0.007 & $ < 0.0001$ & $< 0.0001$ & $4.23 \times 10 ^{-4}$ \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P2} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 50 & 0.007 & $ < 0.0001$ & $< 0.0001$ & 0.002 \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline \hline \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} & {\bf P2} & 200 & 200 & 500 & $0.002$ & $ < 0.0001$ & $ 0.0002$ & 0.410 \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 500 & ${\bf 0.002}$ & $ {\bf 0.0032}$ & $ 0.0003$ & ${\bf 1.75 \times 10 ^{-27}}$ \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P2} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 500 & ${\bf 0.002}$ & $ { \bf 0.0026}$ & $ 0.0003$ & ${ \bf 6.32 \times 10 ^{-19}}$ \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline \hline \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} &{\bf P2} & 200 & 200 & 5739 & $0.0007$ & $ < 0.0001$ & $ < 0.0001$ & 0.103 \\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P1} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 5739 & ${\bf 0.0007}$ & $ {\bf 0.0032}$ & $ 0.0002$ & ${\bf 2.86 \times 10 ^{-154}}$\\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&\\ {\bf P2} &{\bf P3} & 200 & 200 & 5739 & ${\bf 0.0007}$ & ${\bf 0.0031}$ & $ 0.0002$ & ${\bf 1.48 \times 10 ^{-155}}$\\ &&&&&&&&\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption*{{\bf Table S2:} PCA results for inter-population tests. $P_R$ and $P_C$ are the reference and comparison datasets, $M_R$ and $M_C$ the respective sample sizes and $N$ the number of SNPs used. $F_{ST}(crit)$ is the value of $F_{ST}$ at which the phase transition is expected. $\hat{F}_{ST}$ is the estimate of the $F_{ST}$ and SE is its standard error. Pval is the ANOVA $p$-value. The 50 SNP and 500 SNP sets were a contiguous set starting from the 1000th data point along the chromosome. Note the sharp drop in $p$-value at the BBP transition when $\hat{F}_{ST}$ exceeds $F_{ST}(crit)$.} \label{PCAINTER} \end{table}