About the Authors

Cecilie Schou Andreassen


Affiliations Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, The Competence Center, Bergen Clinics Foundation, Bergen, Norway

Mark D. Griffiths

Affiliation Psychology Division, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Jørn Hetland

Affiliation Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Luca Kravina

Affiliation Department FISPPA - Section of Applied Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Fredrik Jensen

Affiliation Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Ståle Pallesen

Affiliation Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Analyzed the data: CSA SP. Wrote the paper: CSA MDG JH LK FJ SP. Conceived and designed the study: CSA SP. Performed the study: CSA SP.