About the Authors
- H. Felix Fischer
* E-mail: felix.fischer@charite.de
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
- Sylvia Binting
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
- Angelina Bockelbrink
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
- Peter Heusser
Affiliation Chair for Theory of Medicine, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany
- Christoph Hueck
Affiliation Freie Hochschule Stuttgart – Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik, Stuttgart, Germany
- Thomas Keil
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
- Stephanie Roll
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
- Claudia Witt
Affiliation Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
Competing Interests
The authors have the following interest. Christoph Hueck is employed by Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, one of the funders of this study. This does not alter their adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AB PH CH SR TK CW HFF. Performed the experiments: SB AB HFF. Analyzed the data: HFF SR TK CW. Wrote the paper: HFF SB PH CH SR TK CW.