About the Authors
- Nael Lapidus
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
- Andrea Minetti
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
- Ali Djibo
Affiliation Ministry of Health, Niamey, Niger
- Philippe J. Guerin
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
- Sarah Hustache
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
- Valérie Gaboulaud
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
- Rebecca F. Grais
* E-mail: rebecca.grais@epicentre.msf.org
Affiliation Epicentre, Paris, France
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: NL AM PJG SH RFG. Performed the experiments: NL. Analyzed the data: AM AD PJG VG SH RFG. Wrote the paper: NL SH RFG. Revised the paper: AM AD PJG VG.