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PLoS Computational Biology Issue Image | Vol. 11(5) May 2015

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Hi-C Chromatin Interaction Networks Predict Co-expression in the Mouse Cortex.

The three dimensional conformation of the genome in the cell nucleus influences important biological processes such as gene expression regulation. Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between chromatin interactions and gene co-expression. However, predicting gene co-expression from frequent long-range chromatin interactions remains challenging. We address this by characterizing the topology of the cortical chromatin interaction network using scale-aware topological measures. We demonstrate that based on these characterizations it is possible to accurately predict spatial co-expression between genes in the mouse cortex. Babaei et al.

Image Credit: Ms. Annelies te Selle

Hi-C Chromatin Interaction Networks Predict Co-expression in the Mouse Cortex.

The three dimensional conformation of the genome in the cell nucleus influences important biological processes such as gene expression regulation. Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between chromatin interactions and gene co-expression. However, predicting gene co-expression from frequent long-range chromatin interactions remains challenging. We address this by characterizing the topology of the cortical chromatin interaction network using scale-aware topological measures. We demonstrate that based on these characterizations it is possible to accurately predict spatial co-expression between genes in the mouse cortex. Babaei et al.

Image Credit: Ms. Annelies te Selle