Editorial Board
Our team of Academic Editors, who assist and advise our in-house editors on manuscripts during the review process.
Guang-Hui Liu
CAS Beijing, China
Aging, stem cell, regeneration
William Mair
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, USA
Aging, metabolism and aging, nutrient and energy sensing and signaling, metabolic flexibility, organelle dynamics
Jing Qu
Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology Beijing, China
Molecular and cellular mechanism of aging, interventions in aging, stem cell senescence, regenerative medicine
Biophysics and Biomechanics
Anders Hedenström
Lund University, Sweden
Biomechanics, flight, aerodynamics, movement, migration, ecology and evolution of animal flight, high-speed wing motion analysis, airflow visualization, force measurement
Graham Taylor
University of Oxford, UK
Biomechanics, flight dynamics, swimming, control systems, sensory systems, sensory ecology (also: avian palaeontology, animal navigation, migration)
Jacob Corn
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
CRISPR-Cas biotechnology, DNA damage, protein, and organelle remodelling
Synthetic biology
Matthew Wook Chang
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Synthetic Biology, metabolic Engineering, microbiome Engineering
Chaitan Khosla
Stanford University, USA
Chemical engineering, synthetic biology, polyketide biosynthesis, antibiotic biosynthesis, celiac disease, antivirals
Baojun Wang
Zhejiang University, China
Synthetic biology, gene expression regulation, genetic circuits, biosensors, biological computation
Cancer and cell cycle
Hilary Coller
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Molecular basis of quiescent cells; cancer-associated fibroblasts, genomic approaches to cell cycle and cancer
Albana Gattelli
Ciudad Universitaria, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN), Argentina
Breast and other solid cancers, cancer signaling and cancer immunology, mammary gland development (also: cell proliferation, migration, and motility)
Jon Pines
Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Cancer, mitosis, chromosome segregation, cyclins
Elena Rainero
University of Sheffield, UK
Cancer, cell-extracellular matrix interaction, cancer cell migration, cancer cell invasion, cancer cell metabolism
Beth Weaver
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Mitosis, chromosome segregation, chromosomal instability, cancer
Cell biology
Anna Akhmanova
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Organization and dynamics of the microtubule dynamics, microtubule-based organelle transport and motor proteins (kinesins, dyneins), microtubule-based processes in neurons (also: vesicle trafficking, Rab GTPases, cell polarity, migration, mitotic spindle organization)
Simon Bullock
Microtubule-based transport, dynein, kinesin, microtubules, mRNA localization, local translation, Drosophila cell biology, in vitro reconstitution
Johannes Herrmann
RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Mitochondria protein biogenesis, targeting, folding and degradation of mitochondrial proteins, mitochondria and other cellular organelles, import, sorting and turn-over of mitochondrial proteins, insertion of membrane proteins, protein folding and degradation
Fred Hughson
Princeton University, USA
Intracellular trafficking, membrane vesicles, bacterial communication and quorum sensing
Sophie Martin
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Cell polarity, cytoskeleton, membrane fusion/trafficking, cell cycle (also: yeast cell biology)
Anne Simonsen
University of Oslo, Norway
Autophagy, membrane trafficking, endocytosis
Sharon Tooze
The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Autophagy, biogenesis of autophagosomes, Atg proteins
Dagmar Wachten
University of Bonn, Germany
Cilia biology, including sperm and primary cilia; ciliary signaling and ciliary function in health and disease; cell biology including cyclic nucleotide signaling; optogenetics and high-resolution microscopy
Cell death
Mathieu Bertrand
VIB Center for Inflammation Research, University of Ghent, Belgium
Signal transduction, cell death, inflammation, innate immune receptors, tumour necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs)
Ana Garcia-Sáez
CECAD Research Center, University of Cologne, Germany
Membrane biology and organization, regulated cell death, Bcl-2 proteins, membrane dynamics and biophysics, single molecule techniques, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, super resolution microscopy, FRAP, FRET, live cell imaging, model membrane systems
Pascal Meier
Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Cell death and inflammation, cancer, ubiquitin-mediated regulation of cell survival, cancer therapeutics
Cell migration
Renata Basto
Institut Curie, France
Centriole and cilia biogenesis, microtubule organising center, stem cells, cancer
Robert Insall
University College London, UK
Quantitative cell biology, computational modelling, cell migration, chemotaxis, SCAR/WAVE complex, pseudopods
Laura Machesky
University of Cambridge, UK
Cell migration, invasion, metastasis, actin cytoskeleton
Carole Parent
University of Michigan, USA
Cell migration, amoeboid migration in Dictyostelium and neutrophils, signal transduction, GPCR signaling, cytoskeleton dynamics, live cell imaging (also: metastatic migration and invasion)
Fernanda Ceriani
Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina
Drosophila circadian clocks, circadian control of behaviour, neuronal structural plasticity (also: use of C. elegans, Drosophila, invertebrate models for mechanisms of neurodegeneration and aging)
Samer Hattar
Light, circadian rhythms, sleep; light detection in mammalian retina
Achim Kramer
Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Mammalian circadian rhythms, post-translational regulation, circadian clock in the olfactory system and immune system, chronobiology, (also: sleep)
Pierre-Hervé Luppi
Uni Lyon, France
REM (paradoxical sleep) mechanisms and function, muscle atonia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, narcolepsy, animal models of sleep pathology, functional neuroanatomy, NREM and wakefulness neuronal networks
Martha Merrow
LMU Munich, Germany
circadian rhythms, chronobiology
Paul Shaw
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Sleep, neuronal plasticity, and memory in Drosophila
Development and Signaling
Konrad Basler
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Signaling pathways in development, Wnt, Hh, TGFbeta, TNF
Marianne Bronner
California Institute of Technology, USA
Developmental neurobiology, neural crest, epigenetics of development, evo-devo, early patterning, and morphogenesis (also: stem cell biology, cell biology, neuroscience)
Kim Cooper
University of California, San Diego, USA
Limb development, musculoskeletal development, skeletal growth, bone reshaping; evolution and development; non-traditional model system - the Lesser Egyptian Jerboa, Jaculus jaculus
Caroline Hill
Advisory Board Member
The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Growth factors, TGF-beta, cancer, development
Simon Hughes
King's College, London, UK
Muscle fibres, muscle patterning, somite assembly, tracking cell processes in vivo
Ursula Jakob
University of Michigan, USA
Bacterial response to oxidative stress; redox regulation; oxidative stress in host defence and aging
Colin Jamora
Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, India
Wound healing in the skin, cutaneous stem cells, inflammation, tissue fibrosis
Anna Kicheva
IST, Austria
Morphogen signaling, pattern formation, tissue and organ growth control, neural tube development, biophysical models of development
Mary Mullins
University of Pennsylvania, USA
BMP, development, vertebrate body plan
François Schweisguth
Institut Pasteur, France
Notch signaling, asymmetric cell division, epithelial polarity and morphogenesis, cell fate decisions, developmental patterning, Drosophila cell and developmental processes
Yi-Hsien Su
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Evolution of the gene regulatory circuitries patterning body axes and specifying cell fates, early embryogenesis, BMP signaling, developmental mechanisms of deuterostomes (echinoderm sea urchin, hemichordate acorn worm)
Nic Tapon
The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Tissue growth control, morphogenesis in model organisms, Hippo pathway, organ size and shape control (also: cell polarity, cell cycle, programmed cell death, mechanotransduction, cellular signaling in development, coupling between growth and nutrition, actin cytoskeleton)
Amy Weinmann
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Cell fate decisions during development, lineage-specifying transcription factors, metabolism, T cell differentiation
Behavioral ecology
Lars Chittka
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Sensory, behaviour, vision, olfaction, communication, learning
Catherine Hobaiter
University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Evolution of communication and social behaviour, primate behaviour, animal cognition (also: socio-ecology in mammals, human behaviour)
Elli Leadbeater
Animal behaviour, anthropogenic stressors, honeybees, bumblebees, animal communication, animal cognition
Gail Patricelli
University of California, Davis, USA
Behavioral ecology, bioacoustics, visuals signals and conservation in birds, reproduction, sexual selection and signaling in birds
Simon W. Townsend
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Animal behavioral ecology, bird song, vocalization, animal cognition and sociality, evolutionary linguistics
Biodiversity and conservation
Andy Dobson
Princeton University, USA
Ecology of infectious diseases, conservation, carnivores
Pedro Jordano
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC, Spain
Biodiversity, integrative ecology, ecological interactions and systems (e.g., mutualistic networks between plants, pollinators and seed dispersers), evolutionary ecology, population genetics, theoretical ecology
Michel Loreau
Advisory Board Member
National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecology, evolutionary ecology
Evolutionary Ecology
Anurag Agrawal
Cornell University, USA
Ecology, evolution, plant–insect interaction, herbivory, community ecology
Jean-Michel Gaillard
U Lyon, France
Dynamics and evolutionary processes in populations of large mammals; life history strategies of vertebrates; comparative studies; evolution; demography; population dynamics, sexual selection, habitat use/selection
Michael Jennions
The Australian National University, Australia
Behavioural and reproductive ecology, whole organism evolutionary biology, sexual selection, meta-research
Thomas Kirkwood
Newcastle University, UK
Mechanisms of cellular aging, evolution and genetics of aging, caloric restriction, mathematical biology, biological standardization
Global change biology
Andrew Tanentzap
University of Cambridge, UK
Ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, global change, macroecology, biodiversity, plant-animal interactions, conservation, mathematical and statistical modelling, plant ecology, phylogenetics, macroevolution
Lauren Buckley
U Washington, USA
Physiological ecology, Functional Ecology, Climate change ecology, Biogeography, Global Change
Alice Rogers
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Marine Biology, fisheries, food webs, habitat change, ecosystem modelling, predator-prey interactions, climate change, coastal ecosystems
Pamela Ronald
U California Davis, USA
Genetic basis of plant resistance to disease and tolerance to environmental stress; global food security
Tien Ming Lee
Sun Yat-Sen U, China
Global change biology, sustainable use, endangered species, biodiversity conservation, conservation science
Evolutionary developmental biology
Selene Fernández Valverde
University of New South Wales, Australia
Transcriptomics, gene regulation and non-coding RNAs in model and non-model organisms, genomic/bioinformatic approaches in evolution of gene regulatory systems, RNA-Seq and small RNA sequencing, genome annotation (also: novel sequencing techniques, development of genomic techniques for non-classical model organisms)
Andreas Hejnol
University of Bergen, Norway
Developmental biology, evolutionary developmental biology and comparative genomics; molecular phylogenetics and gene regulation
Abdou Khila
IGFL Lyon, France
Developmental genomics and evolution; selective pressures in shaping animal diversity, body plan organization, morphogenetic segmentation; conquest of new ecological habitats, water strider
Genome evolution
Harmit Malik
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA
Genome evolution, evolution of centromeres, innate and intrinsic immunity against viruses, mobile genetic elements in Drosophila
Leonie Moyle
Indiana University, USA
Genome evolution, genetics, speciation, adaptation, evolutionary ecology, sexual conflict (also: sexual selection, plant reproductive biology, evolutionary genomics)
Laurence Hurst
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0002-1002-1054
University of Bath, UK
Evolutionary genetics and genomics, computational and mathematical modelling
Erin S. Kelleher
University of Houston, USA
Transposable elements, gametogenesis, genetic conflict
Peter Sarkies
Oxford, UK
Evolution of epigenetic mechanisms, in particular those involved in transposon silencing; role of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in evolution
Mark Siegal
New York University, USA
Drosophila and yeast evolutionary systems biology (variation in regulatory systems using experimental and/or theoretical methods), evolution and genetics of complex traits, robustness, canalization, evolutionary plasticity, stochasticity, cryptic genetic variation, high-throughput phenotyping/image analysis, genetics and evolution of sexual differentiation in invertebrates (also: Drosophila and yeast developmental genetics, vertebrate sexual differentiation, analysis of human genetic variation)
Sarah Zanders
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA
Molecular genetics and evolution; meiosis, meiotic drive, meiotic recombination, and genome evolution (also: fungal genomes and fungal evolution)
Hélène Morlon
École Normale Supérieure, France
Macroevolution, macroecology, community assembly, microbial biogeography, biodiversity, conservation
Tiago B. Quental
USP, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Paleobiology, macroevolution, speciation, extinction, diversity dynamics, biotic interactions, ecology
Population genetics
Nick Barton
Advisory Board Member
The Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Evolutionary biology, population genetics, mathematical models of evolution, species adaptation, natural selection
Qiaomei Fu
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Population genetics, ancient human genomics, human evolution, ancient DNA, early modern humans
Chris Jiggins
University of Cambridge, UK
Population genetics, speciation, introgression
Priya Moorjani
UC Berkeley, USA
Mutation rate, Population genetics, ancient DNA, human evolution, early modern humans
Gene expression regulation
Jeff Coller
Johns Hopkins University, USA
RNA Biology, mRNA translation, mRNA stability, RNA processing
Wendy Gilbert
Yale University, USA
Translational control, ribosomes, RNA modifications (also: RNA Biology)
René Ketting
IMB, Mainz, Germany
Non-coding RNAs, piRNA and siRNA biology, zebrafish and C. elegans, gene regulation, general germ cell development and early embryogenesis
Eros Lazzerini-Denchi
National Cancer Institute, USA
Telomere biology, genomic instability, DNA damage/repair, chromosome structure, replication
Tom Misteli
Advisory Board Member
National Cancer Institute, USA
Chromatin, nuclear architecture, epigenetics, splicing, imaging
Marcelo Nollmann
Centre de Biochimie Structurale, INSERM/CNRS, France
Chromatin, nuclear architecture, epigenetics, imaging, transcription, Drosophila
Shalini Oberdoerffer
Chromatin, nuclear architecture, epigenetics, imaging, transcription, Drosophila
Genome stability and DNA repair
Scott Keeney
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Meiosis, recombination (using following tools - genetics, biochemistry, cytology, and genomics/bioinformatics), DNA repair, chromosome structure, topoisomerases, chromatin structure, DNA replication (also: gametogenesis, chromosome segregation, cell cycle)
Tanya Paull
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
DNA damage response, checkpoint activation, DNA double-strand breaks, oxidative stress signaling, protein kinases and signaling
Adaptive immunity
Avinash Bhandoola
National Cancer Institute, USA
Hematopoietic progenitor cells, migration to the thymus, Nature Helper Cells (T cell like cells), T cell leukemias and immunodeficiencies; establishment and maintainance of T cell identity; T cell regeneration and bone marrow transplantation; thymic epithelial cells
David Nemazee
Scripps Research Institute, USA
Receptor editing in B lymphocytes, antigen receptors, autoreactive lymphocytes, B cells, recombinase genes
Paula Oliver
University of Pennsylvania, USA
T cell biology, ubiquitin pathway biology, adaptive immunity, autoimmune and allergic disease
Juan Quintana
Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation, University of Manchester, UK
Immunology, infectious disease dynamics, neuroscience, sleep, adaptive immunity, host-pathogen interactions, autoimmunity, adipose tissue biology, parasite biology, neural disease, systems immunology
Takeshi Tsubata
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
B lymphocyte biology, antibody responses, autoimmune diseases (also: lectins)
Host-pathogen interactions
Ken Cadwell
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Host–pathogen interactions, basic immunology, inflammation, autophagy, microbiome (virome), norovirus, mucosal immunity, inflammatory bowel disease (also: lymphocyte differentiation, molecular bacteriology)
Rebecca Anne Drummond
University of Birmingham, UK,
Immunology, fungal biology. Meningitis, neuroimmunology, infection, host-pathogen interactions, c-type lectins, macrophage, innate immunity
Maximiliano G. Gutierrez
Crick, UK
Tuberculosis, Macrophages, Autophagy, iPSC, phagosome, Rab GTPases, innate immunity
Katherine Kedzierska
Doherty Institute, Australia
immunity to viral infections; CD8+ T cell immunity to influenza viruses
Alice Prince
Columbia University, USA
Immunometabolism, Innate immune defense, pulmonary infection, bacteriology
Sarah Rowland-Jones
Advisory Board Member
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK
Immunity to virus infection, immune response, HIV, vaccines
Feng Shao
NIBS (National Institute of Biological Sciences), China
Innate immunity, pyroptosis, inflammation, cell death, bacterial-host interaction
Hans-Uwe Simon
University of Bern, Switzerland
Innate immunity, inflammation, allergy, cell death, eosinophils, neutrophils, neutrophil extracellular traps, autophagy, immunopharmacology, cancer, apoptosis and autophagy in inflammatory diseases and cancer
Systems immunology
John Tsang
Yale University, USA
Systems and quantitative immunology; human immunology; computational biology; single cell biology; single cell technologies; genomics
Ali Ellebedy
Immune memory, B cells, Plasma cells, Antibodies, Germinal Center B cells, Influenza, SARS-CoV-2
Infectious disease dynamics
Jonathan Dushoff
McMaster University, Canada
Disease dynamics, influenza, HIV, COVID-19, canine rabies, hypothesis testing, statistical fitting of dynamical models, Statistical philosophy
Jason Ladner
Northern Arizona University, USA
Highly-multiplexed serology, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, population genetics, genomics
Roland Regös
Institute of Integrative Biology, Zurich, Switzerland
Theoretical and quantitative biology – virus dynamics (HIV, SIV, Salmonella typhimurium, LCMV), infectious disease dynamics, mathematical immunology, epidemiology and evolutionary ecology
Daniel Streicker
University of Glasgow, MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, UK
Infectious disease dynamics, virology, wildlife disease ecology, disease emergence, bat-virus interactions, phylodynamic, machine learning, epidemiological modelling, interventions for zoonosis prevention
Heather Christofk
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Cancer metabolism, viral metabolism, metabolomics, stem cell metabolism, signaling pathway regulation of metabolism
Giovanni D’Angelo
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Biosynthetic pathways, glycosphingolipids, membrane trafficking, lipid biology (also: imaging mass spectrometry and organoids biology)
Alex Gould
The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Drosophila – metabolism, development, lifespan, physiology, endocrinology, developmental neurobiology (also: cancer metabolism, metabolomics, neural stem cells, cell signaling, cell competition)
Rebecca Haeusler
Columbia University, USA
Metabolic diseases, energy metabolism, bile acid metabolism, lipoproteins, diabetes, insulin resistance and signaling, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis
Jason Locasale
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Structure and function of metabolic networks in health and pathology, cancer metabolism, metabolic control of chromatin state and epigenetics, metabolomics, computational approaches to understanding metabolic networks
Susanne Mandrup
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Metabolism, transcriptional regulation of metabolism in adipocytes and pancreatic beta-cells, adipocyte differentiation, lineage commitment of human mesenchymal stem cells, acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP)
Nicole Soranzo
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Human complex trait genomics and genetics, metabolomics, cardiometabolic diseases (e.g. coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes)
Rong Tian
University of Washington, USA
Energy metabolism, cardiovascular disease, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic signaling, NMR
Dan Ye
Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, China
Metabolism, epigenetics, metabolic disease, metabolism-chromatin axis, epigenetic and metabolic dysregulation in disease, especially cancer and inflammation
Bacterial biology
Anjana Badrinarayanan
National Centre for Biological Sciences (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), India
Bacterial cell biology, bacterial single-cell and single-molecule microscopy, live-cell imaging, bacterial chromosome dynamics, bacterial replication, bacterial genome organization and segregation, DNA repair mechanisms, homologous recombination, bacterial stress responses, SMC complexes
Jeremy Barr
Monash University, Australia
Bacteriophage, phage, phage therapy, symbiosis
Erin Goley
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Bacterial biology, cytoskeleton, cell division, signaling, cell envelope, stress responses, cell polarity, Rickettsia, Caulobacter.
Michael Laub
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0002-8288-7607
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Phage, anti-phage defense, toxin-antitoxin systems, bacterial signal transduction, bacterial cell cycle
Victor Sourjik
Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology & LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology, Germany
Bacterial motility, systems biology, chemotaxis, signal transduction, bacterial cell biology, biofilms, synthetic biology (also: applications of fluorescence microscopy techniques, experimental evolution and mathematical modeling to study microorganisms.)
Matt Waldor
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0003-1843-7000
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Evolution, bacterial pathogenicity, mechanisms of bacterial cell processes (e.g. cell polarity), enteric pathogens, virulence control and therapeutics
Sebastian Winter
University of California, Davis, USA
Host-microbe interactions; enteric pathogens; bacterial metabolism; microbiota
Microbial genomics and microbiome
Mani Arumugam
University of Copenhagen,Denmark
Human microbiome; metagenomics; bioinformatics; multi-omics
Ran Blekhman
U Minnesota, USA
Human genomics, host-microbe interactions, computational biology, systems biology, meta-research
Jonathan Eisen
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0002-0159-2197
University of California, Davis, USA
Microbes, microbiome, phylogenetics, functional genomics
Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh
Joint Genome Institute, USA
Microbial ecology; Metagenomics; Environmental genomics
Cara Haney
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Plant-microbiome interactions, bacterial commensalism and pathogenesis, plant immunity, genomics
Kathryn Holt
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Department of Infection Biology, UK
Antimicrobial resistance, Microbial evolution and Ecology
Jotham Suez
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Microbiome, Systems Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Precision Medicine
Microbial evolution and ecology
Deepa Agashe
NCBS, India
Bacterial genome evolution, host-microbe association, niche expansion, mutation bias, experimental evolution
Claudia Bank
University of Bern, Switzerland
Microbial evolution, population genetics, speciation, statistics, experimental evolution, theory, mathematical modeling
Holly Bik
University of Georgia, USA
Marine Microbial Ecology, Deep-Sea Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Biology
Tobias Bollenbach
University of Cologne, Germany
Systems biology, microbial ecology and evolution, drug combinations and antibiotic resistance, biophysics, computational biology, ecosystem modeling, gene regulatory networks, population modeling
Sam Brown
Georgia Tech, USA
Socio-microbiology, microbial cooperation, quorum sensing, evolution of antibiotic resistance, evolution of virulence, within-host dynamics, polymicrobial infections, biofilms
Arjan de Visser
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Microbial experimental evolution, epistasis, evolution of sex and recombination, evolution of antibiotic resistance (also: evolutionary genetics and evolutionary ecology relating to bacteria and fungi)
Isabel Gordo
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Bacterial evolution, population genetics, microbiome
Britt Koskella
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Microbial evolution, coevolution, plant microbiomes, bacteriophages, microbiome assembly, phage therapy, agricultural sustainability, phyllosphere
Sara Mitri
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Microbial evolution and ecology, synthetic microbial communities, mathematical and computational models, interspecies interactions
Csaba Pál
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Experimental evolution, microbial evolution, antibiotic resistance, network evolution (evolutionary systems biology)
Wenying Shou
University College, London, UK
Quantitative experimental biology, mathematical modeling of biological systems, ecology and evolution in microbial communities, evolution of cooperation and multi-level selection, spatial patterning and self-organization
Fungal biology
Elizabeth Ballou
MRC Center for Medical Mycology, University of Exeter, UK
Molecular and cell biology of fungal pathogenesis
Jessica Brown
University of Utah, USA
Microbial pathogenesis, fungal genetics and genomics, antifungal drug development, fungal pathogen ecology
Charissa de Bekker
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Fungal biology, pathogen-host interactions, fungal entomopathogens, molecular ecology, insect behavior, extended phenotypes, host manipulation
Joseph Heitman
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Microbial pathogenesis, sexual reproduction and evolution, virulence, fungal pathogens, antifungal drugs
Aaron Mitchell
University of Georgia, USA
Virulence mechanisms, biofilm formation, fungal pathogen-host interactions, Candida
Teresa O'Meara
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA
Fungal genetics and pathogenesis, evolutionary genetics, host-microbe interactions, host-pathogen co-evolution, microbial pathogenesis, Candida
Parasite biology
Tania De Koning-Ward
Deakin University, Australia
Malaria, host-pathogen interactions, pathogenesis and protein trafficking, virulence mechanisms and immunity to human and animal model pathogens
Michael Duffy
University of Melbourne, Australia
Plasmodium biology, malaria, antigenic variation, chromatin structure, epigenetics, transcription, nuclear biology (also: other parasites, serology of infectious disease, Illumina sequencing based projects)
Kami Kim
University of South Florida, USA
Infectious diseases, parasitology, especially Apicomplexan parasites (Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium), host-pathogen interactions including bacteria, fungi, parasites; systems biology; epigenetics
André Schneider
University of Bern, Switzerland
Mitochondrial biogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei, mitochondrial tRNA and protein import, mitochondrial biogenesis; organelles in parasitic protist
Boris Striepen
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Protozoan parasites, parasite chloroplast, drug development, Apicomplexa, Toxoplasma
Gary Ward
University of Vermont, USA
Toxoplasma, host cell invasion, parasite multiplication and host cell lysis, apicomplexan parasites
Nancy Moran
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Biology of symbiosis, insect and bacterial symbionts, aphid genes, carotenoid biosynthesis
Luis Teixeira
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Host-microbe interactions, endosymbionts, Wolbachia, microbiota, insect immunity, antiviral immunity, innate immunity (also: Drosophila genetics and physiology)
Michaela Gack
Cleveland Clinic, Florida Research and Innovation Center, USA
Virology, innate immunity, interferon response, innate immune signaling, viral immune evasion, proviral and antiviral host proteins
Frank Kirchhoff
Uni Ulm, Germany
HIV/AIDS, SARS-CoV-2, innate immunity, antiviral factors, viral accessory proteins
Karla Kirkegaard
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Virology, genetic susceptibility to infectious disease, autophagy, long noncoding RNAs
Louis Lambrechts
Institute Pasteur, France
Ecology and evolution of host-pathogen interactions, mosquito-borne diseases, vector biology, arbovirus transmission, mosquito genomics, insect immunity, virus evolution
Andrew Mehle
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Influenza virus replication, viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, viral replication machinery, virus:host interactions, viral host range restriction, RNA:protein interactions at the virus:host interface, dual pro- and anti-viral functions of host proteins
Eng Eong Ooi
Duke and National University of Singapore, Singapore
Flavivirology, virus-host interactions, viral vaccinology
Sumana Sanyal
University of Oxford, UK
Positive sense RNA viruses, replication organelle biogenesis, immune evasion, ubiquitylation, ISGylation
Bill Sugden
University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
EBV, Burkitts lymphoma, herpesvirus, mononucleosis, B cell lymphomas, LMP1 gene, cellular unfolded protein response, autophagy in B-cells, EBNA1, oriP, viral replication
Xuping Xie
RNA viruses (SARS-CoV-2, flavivirus, alphavirus), vaccine development, antiviral research, the molecular mechanism of RNA virus replication, assembly, and pathogenesis
Mark Alkema
UMass, USA
Neurogenetics, transmitter systems, behavior, neuroethology, microbiome, C. elegans
Heather Cameron
National Institute of Mental Health, USA
Neurogenesis in hippocampus, granule cells, stress, depression, learning and memory
Ann Clemens
University of Edinburgh, UK
Animal behavior, social behavior, kinship, neurophysiology, neuroethology, rodents, learning and memory, sensory systems, development
Ingrid Fetter Pruneda
UNAM, Mexico
Social insects, ants, social behavior, neuropeptides, neuromodulators, phenotypic plasticity, reproduction
Eric Nestler
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0002-7905-2000
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Addiction and depression, epigenetics
Chris Pierce
Rutgers University, USA
Drug addiction, cocaine addiction
Circuits and systems neuroscience
Tom Baden
University of Sussex, UK
Methods, open hardware; vertebrate retina, systems neuroscience, zebrafish (also: mice, primates, salamander, birds)
Sebastien Bouret
Université de Lille, France
Neuroscience, metabolism, neurobiology of obesity, neuroendocrinology
Jozsef Csicsvari
Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Hippocampus, oscillations, systems neuroscience, behavior, learning and memory, neurophysiology – cellular, network, synaptic (also: computational and complex data analysis, imaging)
Aniruddha Das
Columbia University, USA
Visual processing; brain hemodynamics and neural/physiological basis of the hemodynamic response (also: sensory processing - auditory, somatosensory)
Patrick Drew
Penn State, USA
Neurovascular coupling, cerebral spinal fluid flow using optical, chemigenetic, electrophysiological and computational approaches
Henry Kennedy
INSERM, France
Brain physiology, anatomy and development, connectivity, cortical development; large-scale structural and dynamic models of cortex (also: rodent primate distinctions in adult and development)
Thomas Klausberger
Uni Wien, Austria
Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex, Interneurons, Learning, Decision making, Network Oscillations
Adam Kohn
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Systems and computational neuroscience, visual processing, cortical plasticity, population coding
Manuel Malmierca
University of Salamanca, Spain
Auditory neurophysiology; coding of stimulus-specific neuronal adaptation, sensory processing, neurocircuitry and neuropharmacology, cortical and subcortical plasticity, subcortical processing
Chris Pack
McGill University, Canada
Visual neurophysiology, visual cortex, system identification methods
Carl Petersen
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Sensory and motor systems neuroscience, neuronal circuits, synaptic transmission, electrophysiology and optical imaging techniques
Peter Thier
Tuebingen, Germany
Role of the cerebellar system in eye movement control and visual perception, neural underpinnings of gaze following and joint attention, role of mirror neurons in action selection and understanding
Cognitive neuroscience
Jennifer Bizley
University College London, UK
Auditory physiology, object recognition and perceptual invariance, selective attention
Roi Cohen Kadosh
University of Surrey, UK
Executive functions, brain stimulation, mathematical cognition, cognitive learning, cognitive enhancement
Ruth de Diego Balaguer
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Statistical learning, artificial grammar, development, language learning, rule-learning, temporal attention, basal ganglia, Huntington's disease
Mathew Ernest Diamond
SISSA, Italy
Cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, learning, memory, sensation, sensory coding, perception, neuronal bases of behavior
Alexander Gail
Georg August University of Göttingen, Germany
Sensorimotor integration, cognitive movement planning, neuroprosthetics, neuronal synchronization, visual object coding; methods: awake monkey electrophysiology, extracellular multi-channel microelectrode recordings, psychophysics in human and non-human primates, correlation and spectral coherence analysis, pattern recognition
Simon Hanslmayr
University of Glasgow, UK
Neural oscillations in human memory and attentions; MEG, EEG, combined EEG-fMRI, intracranial EEG and human single unit recordings, brain stimulation methods (tACS, tDCS, rTMS and intracranial electrical stimulation)
Thorsten Kahnt
Northwestern, USA
Learning and decision-making, reward learning, reinforcement, olfaction, fMRI, TMS
Raphael Kaplan
Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Cognitive neuroscience of memory and decision making, Social neuroscience, Spatial cognition, Neuroimaging, Medial temporal lobe, Cognitive computational neuroscience
Laura Lewis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Neuroimaging methods (fMRI, EEG, PET), sleep and arousal, brain states, cerebrospinal fluid, hemodynamics, thalamocortical dynamics, brainstem, aging
Huan Luo
Peking University, China
Attention, working memory, EEG/MEG, neural dynamics, sequence memory, speech.
Uta Noppeney
Radbound U, Netherlands
Human (computational) cognitive neuroscience; multisensory/audiovisual
perception, decision making, binding, learning and attention.
David Poeppel
New York University, USA
Neural basis of speech perception, language processing, auditory perception and cognition, music, MEG, EEG, and fMRI (also: systems neuroscience)
Matthew Rushworth
University of Oxford, UK
Experimental psychology, decision-making, brain connections and interactions, social cognition, neuro-rehabilitation, frontal lobes
Frank Tong
Vanderbilt University, USA
Human visual perception, orientation and motion perception, face and object perception, mechanisms of visual attention, visual working memory and imagery
Yiheng Tu
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Cognitive neuroscience of pain, neuromodulation, brain imaging and genetics for chronic pain, pain-cognition interaction, fMRI/EEG/MEG
Simon van Gaal
U Amsterdam, Netherlands
Human cognitive science/neuroscience, neural basis of consciousness, perception, sensory awareness, EEG, fMRI, cognitive control and decision making, neuromodulation
Ed K. Vogel
U Chicago, USA
Electrophysiology; Individual differences in cognitive ability; working memory; capacity limits; attentional control
Choong-Wan Woo
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Human cognition, fMRI, human neuroimaging, affective neuroscience, pain, cognitive and computational neuroscience
Computational neuroscience
Claus Hilgetag
University of Hamburg, Germany
Experimental, computational and theoretical approaches to understanding structural and functional connectivity of the mammalian cerebral cortex; analytical tools, computational neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Matthew Dalva
Thomas Jefferson University, USA
Synapse and neural circuit generation, cell adhesion
Claude Desplan
New York University, USA
Visual system development, evo–devo, neurogenesis, electrophysiology, cell fate, Drosophila
Cagla Eroglu
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Synaptic network formation during development and remodeling during learning and disease, glial cells, astrocytes
Bassem Hassan
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, France
Neurogenetics, development, whole-brain culture and imaging, Wnt, cell fate
Yi-Ping Hsueh
Academica Sinica, Taiwan
Neuronal morphogenesis, synapse formation, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurodegeneration, mouse genetic models for autism spectrum disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders; neuroinflammation, endoplasmic reticulum, protein synthesis and cytoskeletons in neuronal morphogenesis and related disorders
Franck Polleux
Columbia University, USA
Mammalian brain connectivity, neuronal differentiation, synaptic development, human brain evolution, mouse brain development, cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration
Cody J. Smith
Notre Dame, USA
Neural development, glial cell biology, neuronal biology, glial-neuronal interactions, neuronal branching, nerve regeneration, model organism genetics - C. elegans, zebrafish (also: CNS and PNS development, model organism neurobiology, astroglia, microglia and ensheathing glia)
Bing Ye
University of Michigan, USA
Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis of neurons and the assembly of Drosophila neural circuits
Molecular neurobiology and cellular physiology
Alberto Bacci
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, France
Cellular neurophysiology, neocortex, synaptic inhibition and auto-modulation of brain cortex microcircuits
Alan Cheng
Stanford University, USA
Hair cell, inner ear, regeneration, development, hearing, Wnt-responsive cochlea progenitor cells
Richard Daneman
University of California, San Diego, USA
Neurovascular development, blood-brain barrier, neurovascular disease, glial cell biology, neurovascular coupling, neuron glial interactions, neuroinflmmation, multiple sclerosis, stroke, CNS drug delivery, regulation of neurotransmitters, mouse models of neurological disease
Joshua Dubnau
Stony Brook University, USA
Drosophila neurogenetics, Drosophila models of neurodegeneration, olfactory behavior and learning, impact of mobile elements on aging, neurodegeneration and the nervous system (also: somatic mosaicism, animal models of aging, single cell RNAseq and DNA sequencing)
Ben Emery
Oregon Health & Science University, USA
Myelin biology, glial biology, axoglial interactions, demyelinating diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis) and animal models of demyelination/remyelination; oligodendrocytes and their progenitors (also: astrocytes, Schwann cells, microglia)
Eunjoon Kim
KAIST, South Korea
Molecular organization and functional coordination of neuronal synapses; synapse development, synaptic scaffolding and adhesion molecules, synaptic transmission and plasticity, psychiatric disorders, autism, intellectual disability; synaptopathies; molecular, cell-biological, biochemical, anatomical, imaging, electrophysiological, and behavioral tools
Kelly Monk
Vollum Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, USA
Glia, myelin, neuron-glial interactions, adhesion GPCRs, zebrafish and mouse genetics (also: neurodevelopment, model organism genetics, peripheral nervous system development and repair)
Mikael Simons
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Germany
Glia, myelin, regeneration (also: neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation)
Guang Yang
Columbia, USA
synaptic plasticity, neuroinflammation, sleep, pain
Sensory neuroscience
Richard Benton
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Sensory biology, chemosensation, Drosophila genetics and behavior (also: evolutionary neurobiology and neurodevelopment in invertebrate systems)
Jonathan Demb
Yale University, USA
Sensory and visual neuroscience, retina, visual cortex, two-photon imaging, patch-clamp recording of synapses, imaging glutamate sensors
Izumi Fukunaga
OIST Graduate University, Japan
Olfaction, sensory systems, behaviour, psychophysics, neurophysiology, circuits, inhibition
Piali Sengupta
Advisory Board Member orcid.org/0000-0001-7468-0035
Brandeis University, USA
Sensory neurons, neuron specification, cilia development, pheromone signaling, chemoreceptor genes, cellular memory, thermosensation
Plant Biology
Xinnian Dong
Duke University, USA
Plant–microbe interactions, pathogens, plant immunity, hormones
Mark Estelle
University of California, San Diego, USA
Plant hormones, auxin, ubiquitin, transcription
Alexander Jones
University of Cambridge, UK
Plant hormones, plant development, biosensor engineering and imaging, quantitative biology
Sophien Kamoun
The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK
Plant host–pathogen interaction, effector biology, genome evolution
Wenbo Ma
The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK
noncoding RNAs, plant-pathogen interactions, plant immunity, microbial pathogenesis
June Nasrallah
Advisory Board Member
Cornell University, USA
Cell–cell interactions, pollination biology, comparative genomics
Masahito Ikawa
Osaka University, Japan
Mammalian reproductive systems, sperm and male fertility, spermatogenesis, sperm function, fertilization, oocyte activation
Polina Lishko
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Physiology of mammalian fertilization, human sperm cells and sperm ion channels, sperm motility and male infertility
Rocio Rivera
University of Missouri, USA
Mammalian reproductive biology, epigenetics, superovulation, fertility and aging
Carmen Williams
Physiology of mammalian fertilization, human sperm cells and sperm ion channels
Mariana Wolfner
Cornell University, USA
Reproduction, function of seminal fluid proteins, oocyte activation
Stem cells
Joshua Brickman
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Early embryonic development, stem cells, differentiation, transcription
Christa Bücker
Max Perutz Labs, Vienna, Austria
Stem cell biology (early embryonic development, pluripotent stem cell states, cell fate transitions, differentiation, transcription, enhancers) and gene expression regulation (enhancers, PolII transcription, chromatin dynamics, transcription factors)
Catarina Homem
CEDOC / NOVA Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal
Neurogenesis, neurodevelopment, stem cells, neural stem cells, stem cell metabolism, Drosophila metabolism, Drosophila endocrinology and physiology, cancer metabolism, cell growth, cell fate decisions, asymmetric cell division
Bon-Kyoung Koo
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
Mouse genetics - development, cancer genetics, organogenesis, tissue homeostasis, Notch and Wnt signaling pathways, ubiquitination; organoids, intestinal and gastric adult tissue stem cells, adult and pluripotent stem cells; development of genetic tools for lineage tracing and advanced genetic engineering, CRISPR/Cas9 technology (also: cancer modeling, single cell RNA sequencing)
Madeline Lancaster
University of Cambridge, UK
Organoids, developmental neurobiology, neural stem cells, neural differentiation, brain evolution
Joo-Hyeon Lee
University of Cambridge, UK
Stem cell biology (adult tissue stem cells, stem cell niche, tissue homeostasis and regeneration, cell competition), cancer stem cell, inflammation, organoids
Sally Lowell
University of Edinburgh, UK
Stem cell biology, pluripotent cells, early mouse embryonic development (also: vertebrate developmental biology, biology of regeneration)
Tom Rando
Stanford University, USA
Muscle cell and stem cell biology, aging, Wnt and Notch signaling, muscular dystrophy, tissue regeneration, tissue engineering
Yukiko Yamashita
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Adult stem cells, stem cell niche, spindle orientation, polarity, asymmetric stem cell division, germ cells
Structural biology
David Bhella
Glasgow, USA
Virus structure, virus assembly, virus entry, negative sense RNA viruses, positive sense RNA viruses, cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, structural biology
Raimund Dutzler
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Transmembrane ion transport mechanisms, chloride channels and transporters, X-ray crystallography
Raquel Lieberman
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Structural biology, structure-function of proteins and enzymes, protein mis/folding, molecular chaperones, molecular/chemical biophysics (also: enzymology, metallo-enzymology, medicinal chemistry/drug discovery, eye diseases, biomedical engineering)
Yunsun Nam
UT Southwestern, USA
Protein and nucleic acid structural biology, X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, microRNA biogenesis, RNA modifications, RNA methylation, RNA-protein complexes
Ann Stock
Advisory Board Member
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA
Protein structure, receptor-mediated signal transduction, bacterial chemotaxis, X-ray crystallography
Kylie Walters
National Cancer Institute, USA
Structural biology, NMR spectroscopy, x-ray crystallography, proteasome, ubiquitin signaling, protein quality control, myosin VI (also: protein folding/molecular chaperones, autophagy, endocytosis)
Yan Zhang
Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
Structural biology, drug development, membrane protein, signal transduction, structure-based drug discovery, structure and function of protein, G-protein coupled receptor, receptor-ligand interaction, protein design, cryo-electron microscopy
Systems biology
Sui Huang
Institute for Systems Biology, USA
Application of dynamical systems modeling to mammalian cells, stem cell differentiation and cancer, computational biology, theory of complex dynamical systems applied to higher organisms and medicine, cell plasticity in progression and drug resistance, evolution of complex systems, pattern formation, evolutionary constraints, gene networks, single-cell transcriptomics (also: bioinformatics, cancer genomics, tumor angiogenesis, stroma, signal transduction in mammalian cells)
Anita Bandrowski
Data Curation, Rigor and Reproducibility, Open Data, neuroinformatics
Lisa Bero
University of Colorado, USA
Research evidence, bias in preclinical and clinical studies, research communication with social, political and ethical context, methodological analyses of nutrition research (prevention of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease), improving medicines for noncommunicable diseases in low-resource settings
Isabelle Boutron
Université Paris Descartes, France
Evaluation of non-pharmacological treatments, risk of bias, the problems of knowledge and transparency of research
Chris Chambers
Cardiff University, UK
Registered Reports and meta-research; brain stimulation (TMS, TES) and brain imaging techniques (fMRI, MRS, MEG) to understand cognitive control, attention and awareness in the human brain; translational applications of cognitive neuroscience in the domain of obesity and behaviour change
Ulrich Dirnagl
Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Reproducibility, research assessment, open science; neurology, pre-clinical research, stroke, brain damage, cerebral blood flow regulation, brain imaging
Cilene Lino-de-Oliveira
Fed U Santa Catarina, Brazil
Registered reports, heuristic models, methodology, systematic reviews; research focus on antidepressants, stress, animal models
Malcolm Macleod
University of Edinburgh, UK
Neurology, pre-clinical research, evidence-based translational medicine, sources of bias in experimental design
Marcus Munafò
University of Bristol, UK
Registered Reports & meta-research; genome-wide association studies/genomics (also: genetic and cognitive influences on addictive behaviour and tobacco and alcohol use)