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Genetic dissection of a Leishmania flagellar proteome demonstrates requirement for directional motility in sand fly infections

Fig 5

Measurement of flagellar and PFR length in motility mutants.

(A) Measurements of flagellar length (measured from kinetoplast DNA to flagellar tip; grey bar) and PFR2::mNG signal (green bar; data in S8 Table) in a subset of mutants with reduced swimming speed. Error bars show standard deviation. At least 70 measurements were recorded per cell line. The GeneIDs / gene names indicate the deleted gene. Numbers above bars show PFR: flagellar length ratio; the three lowest ratios are highlighted in yellow. Measurements were compared to the parental cell line expressing PFR2::mNG and p-values (Students t-test) for flagellar length (grey) and PFR length (green) are indicated: *** p≤0.0005. (B) Fluorescence micrographs showing tagged mutant cell lines used for measurements in (A). Green, PFR2::mNG signal; red, Hoechst-stained DNA. Scale bar, 5 μm. White arrows indicate PFR defects.

Fig 5
