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Magnaporthe oryzae Glycine-Rich Secretion Protein, Rbf1 Critically Participates in Pathogenicity through the Focal Formation of the Biotrophic Interfacial Complex

Fig 8

Host immunity does not affect the dispersed BIC formation in the RBF1-disrupted fungus.

Rice leaf sheaths were inoculated with the WT or Δrbf1-2 line transformed with both PWL2p::PWL2:GFP and BAS4p::BAS4:mCherry and observed using a confocal microscope at 30 hpi. The z-series of optical sections were stacked to generate maximum-intensity projection images. NT, non-transgenic rice; +ABA, inoculated with 30 μM abscisic acid; NahG, transgenic rice expressing the salicylate hydroxylase gene. Bar = 10 μm.

Fig 8
