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Cholinergic Modulation of Narcoleptic Attacks in Double Orexin Receptor Knockout Mice

Mike Kalogiannis, Emily Hsu,  [ ... ], Christopher S. Leonard

Expression of Nestin by Neural Cells in the Adult Rat and Human Brain

Michael L. Hendrickson, Abigail J. Rao, Omar N. A. Demerdash, Ronald E. Kalil

Altered Dopamine and Serotonin Metabolism in Motorically Asymptomatic R6/2 Mice

Fanny Mochel, Brandon Durant, Alexandra Durr, Raphael Schiffmann

Evasion of IFN-γ Signaling by Francisella novicida Is Dependent upon Francisella Outer Membrane Protein C

Kalyan C. Nallaparaju, Jieh-Juen Yu,  [ ... ], Bernard P. Arulanandam

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