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Correction: Electro-Acoustic Behavior of the Mitotic Spindle: A Semi-Classical Coarse-Grained Model

  • Daniel Havelka,
  • Ondřej Kučera,
  • Marco A. Deriu,
  • Michal Cifra
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There are errors in the values reported for parameters a, b, c, and V in Table 1. Please see the correct Table 1 here.

There is an error in the equation in the third sentence in the “The arrangement of microtubules” subsection of the Models section. The equation describing the distance from the origin of the coordinate system for MTOC placement on the x-axis is incorrect. Please see the correct equation here:

There is an error in the Eq (6) in the “Calculation of the intensity of the electric field” subsection of the Models section. Please see the correct Eq (6) here:

There is an error in the Eq (7) in the “Calculation of the intensity of the electric field” subsection of the Models section. Please see the correct Eq (7) here:

The authors confirm that the code used in the modelling do not contain the errors in parameters and equations, which affect only the description of the models. The results and conclusions are therefore unaffected by these corrections to the reporting of the methodology.

There are errors in the scale of the y-axis shown for the bottom panel of Fig 10. Please see the correct Fig 10 here.

Fig 10. Electrical parameters of the cytosol.

We used homogeneous electrical properties of the surroundings of the MTs in our model. The figure shows frequency versus complex permittivity plot. The real part of the complex permittivity (up) represents the value of the relative electrical permittivity, and therefore energy stored in the material, and the imaginary part (down) corresponds to dielectric losses.


  1. 1. Havelka D, Kučera O, Deriu MA, Cifra M (2014) Electro-Acoustic Behavior of the Mitotic Spindle: A Semi-Classical Coarse-Grained Model. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86501. pmid:24497952