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Correction: Communicating with people living with dementia who are nonverbal: The creation of Adaptive Interaction

  • Maggie Ellis,
  • Arlene Astell
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One point has been amended in the raw data file, and the authors have uploaded the corrected data set under a different figshare DOI. The correct Data Availability statement is: Data are available from figshare (DOI: Data are from the Adaptive Interaction study whose authors may be contacted at the University of St Andrews:

There is an error in the third sentence in the paragraph titled “3. Group comparisons” under the Results section. The correct sentence should read: Therefore, two-tailed results were accepted.

There is an error in the sentence under the subheading “Imitation” in the paragraph titled “Communicative behaviours” under the Results section. The correct sentence should read: There were significant increases in the amount of imitation by people with dementia (p < .05) in Intervention sessions.

There are multiple errors in Table 2. The subvariables Looking elsewhere, Looking at ME’s face or body, Other (e.g. coughing), Person with dementia imitates ME should be modified for clarity. The subvariables Eyes and Other expression should be added. The subvariables No contact and Can’t tell should be removed.

Table 2. The main behavioural coding categories and subvariables.

There are multiple errors in Table 9 and its caption. The values in Eye Gaze: Partner’s body/face: Two-tailed has been corrected to <0.001. The value in Facial expressions: Neutral: Two-tailed has been corrected to 0.027. The value in Facial Expressions: Smiling: Two-tailed has been corrected to <0.001. The value in Imitation: Imitation of partner: Two-tailed has been corrected to 0.039. In the Table 9 caption, the text “p-values for behavioural variables and subvariables between Baseline and Intervention sessions” should be changed to “*two-tailed p-values for behavioural variables and subvariables of 3 minute analysis periods within Baseline and Intervention sessions.”

Table 9. Means, standard deviations (SD) and *two-tailed p-values for behavioural variables and subvariables of 3 minute analysis periods within Baseline and Intervention sessions.

Please see the complete, correct Tables 2 and 9 here.


  1. 1. Ellis M, Astell A (2017) Communicating with people living with dementia who are nonverbal: The creation of Adaptive Interaction. PLoS ONE12(8): e0180395. pmid:28763445