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Correction: Estimation of Instantaneous Gas Exchange in Flow-Through Respirometry Systems: A Modern Revision of Bartholomew's Z-Transform Method

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There is an error in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph of the ZT Method section of the Methods. The publisher apologizes for this error. The correct sentence is: Equation 4 directly determines the instantaneous gas exchange rate (u) from the recorded data: where , and it requires high sampling rate of the outlet gas.

In the Generalized ZT (GZT) method section of the Methods, there is an error in the 15th equation. Please view the complete, correct equation here:

There is an error in reference 21. The correct reference is: Woakes AJ, and Butler P. J. Swimming and diving in tufted ducks, Aythya fuligula, with particular reference to heart rate and gas exchange. J Exp Biol. 1983;107(1):311–29.

There are errors in Tables 13. Please see the correct Tables 13 here.

Table 1. Parameters of the impulse responses.

Experimentally-determined impulse responses of three respirometry chambers in five different flow rates were modeled in four ways. In the first three models, αtme-βt has been fitted to the data. Here m, α, and β are constant parameters that are needed to fit this curve (αtme-βt) to the experimental data (see text for details). In the first one, m is considered as a real number. In the second, one we restricted the m to be an integer and then found the parameters. In the third one, we decreased m to the lowest integer number without having more than 10% ITAE (). In the last one, we forced m to be zero in order to recover the ZT model.

Table 2. Estimated parameters of ZT and EZT methods using Eqs 2 and 11 and from experimental data.

Table 3. Normalized ITAE to the area of the input signal of the recovered signals in different frequencies.


  1. 1. Pendar H, Socha JJ (2015) Estimation of Instantaneous Gas Exchange in Flow-Through Respirometry Systems: A Modern Revision of Bartholomew's Z-Transform Method. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139508. pmid:26466361