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Correction: Kv7 Channels Can Function without Constitutive Calmodulin Tethering

  • Juan Camilo Gómez-Posada,
  • Paloma Aivar,
  • Araitz Alberdi,
  • Alessandro Alaimo,
  • Ainhoa Etxeberría,
  • Juncal Fernández-Orth,
  • Teresa Zamalloa,
  • Meritxell Roura-Ferrer,
  • Patricia Villace,
  • Pilar Areso,
  • Oscar Casis,
  • Alvaro Villarroel
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Figure 3 is incorrect. Please see the correct Figure 3 here:

In addition, there was an error in the legend for Figure 3B. The legend should read: B. Introduction of CaM binding perturbing mutations in helix A or helix B of Kv7.3 lead to non-functional channels. Left, schematic representation of the mutants analyzed. Middle column, representative current traces of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from HEK293T expressing homomeric Kv7.3T WT, I379D or A518D. The pore A315T mutation was introduced to boost expression [19]-[21].