Peer Review History

Original SubmissionMay 7, 2020
Decision Letter - Chiara Lazzeri, Editor
Transfer Alert

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COVID-19 Infections and Outcomes in a Live Registry of Heart Failure Patients Across an Integrated Health Care System


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: Caraballo C. and Collegues described the social and clinical profile, the prevalence and the predictors of outcomes of a large sample of HF patients positive to SARS-CoV-2, registered in the YALE Heart Failure Registry in Connecticut area.

Being able to use a real-time registry the authors have clearly described the clinical differences of 900 symptomatic COVID+ HF patients in respect those COVID- and the predictors of poor outcomes in this subgroup of HF patients.

Although some clinical data had already been confirmed elsewhere, in this study some interesting findings must be underlined: the elevated rate of death (20%) in very elderly (>85 years) HF patients with symptomatic COVID, the negative prognostic role of high burden of comorbid conditions as well as the low level of socioeconomic status. This data, together of other clinical evidences, clearly suggest how HF older frail patients should be the priority for any prevention program of vaccination or other preventive care program. Also interesting is the data concerning the positive association RAAS inhibitor drugs and prognosis; moreover this result is found in a large population of patients in whom these drugs have a high level of evidence based recommendation. Another flag finding concerns the low percentage of HF patients underwent testing for COVID, this report, in my opinion, is another important clinical alert that must be taken into account by those who have health- care system responsibilities.

Thus I think that this paper, well written, deserves a good consideration for publication in the Journal accounting the aforementioned considerations.

Obviously this is a retrospectively analysis but in my opinion it does not reduce significantly the clinical value.

Reviewer #2: The authors assessed how many patients include in their Yale Heart Failure Registry (N=26,703). Were tested for COVID-19 and were positive . they then compare the clinical characteristics of the positive patients versus the negative ones and show that covid positive patients tend to be more geographically concentrated, an expected finding based on the characteristic of the disease. Elderly COVID-19+ patients were very likely to be admitted to the hospital and experience high rates of mortality.

The study is clearly written. However, its clinical implications and novelty compared with current literature seem extremely limited. In the discussion, the authors state “This is the first report describing the impact of COVID-19 infection in a geographically contained population of heart failure patients under the purview of an integrated health care system.” I agree but is this worthwhile? Then, they state “We found that (…) those who tested positive tended to cluster around two cities—New Haven and Bridgeport, two of the cities with the lowest median household income in the state…” Again, this conforms data with most of infective disease.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

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Submitted filename: Review Plose one.doc
Revision 1

Response to Reviewer Comments

Caraballo et al. PLOS ONE.

RE: PONE-D-20-13485


Caraballo C. and Colleagues described the social and clinical profile, the prevalence and the predictors of outcomes of a large sample of HF patients positive to SARS-CoV-2, registered in the YALE Heart Failure Registry in Connecticut area.

Being able to use a real-time registry the authors have clearly described the clinical differences of 900 symptomatic COVID+ HF patients in respect those COVID- and the predictors of poor outcomes in this subgroup of HF patients.

Although some clinical data had already been confirmed elsewhere, in this study some interesting findings must be underlined: the elevated rate of death (20%) in very elderly (>85 years) HF patients with symptomatic COVID, the negative prognostic role of high burden of comorbid conditions as well as the low level of socioeconomic status. This data, together of other clinical evidences, clearly suggest how HF older frail patients should be the priority for any prevention program of vaccination or other preventive care program. Also interesting is the data concerning the positive association RAAS inhibitor drugs and prognosis; moreover this result is found in a large population of patients in whom these drugs have a high level of evidence based recommendation. Another flag finding concerns the low percentage of HF patients underwent testing for COVID, this report, in my opinion, is another important clinical alert that must be taken into account by those who have health- care system responsibilities.

Thus I think that this paper, well written, deserves a good consideration for publication in the Journal accounting the aforementioned considerations.

Obviously this is a retrospectively analysis but in my opinion it does not reduce significantly the clinical value.

Response: We thank the reviewer for their kind and important comments. We have incorporated them into our manuscript.

We agree with the reviewer of the uttermost importance of increasing access to testing and vaccination to elderly patients with HF. We have modified the discussion section as shown below (additions underlined):

Pages 13 and 14, lines 217-224:

“In our cohort, we noted 33% of COVID-19+ positive patients to be ≥85 years old. These patients had hospitalization rates of approximately 90%, 36% had died at the time of this analysis, and all the rest except one patient remained hospitalized. This suggests that special importance should be given to elderly individuals with HF when discussing testing distribution and early access to preventive therapies upon availability, such as vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. This also suggests an urgent need for early goals of care discussions in elderly heart failure patients who test positive for COVID-19+ given long hospitalizations and high mortality rates despite aggressive treatment.”



The authors assessed how many patients include in their Yale Heart Failure Registry (N=26,703). Were tested for COVID-19 and were positive . they then compare the clinical characteristics of the positive patients versus the negative ones and show that covid positive patients tend to be more geographically concentrated, an expected finding based on the characteristic of the disease. Elderly COVID-19+ patients were very likely to be admitted to the hospital and experience high rates of mortality.

The study is clearly written. However, its clinical implications and novelty compared with current literature seem extremely limited. In the discussion, the authors state “This is the first report describing the impact of COVID-19 infection in a geographically contained population of heart failure patients under the purview of an integrated health care system.” I agree but is this worthwhile? Then, they state “We found that (…) those who tested positive tended to cluster around two cities—New Haven and Bridgeport, two of the cities with the lowest median household income in the state…” Again, this conforms data with most of infective disease.

Response: We thank the reviewer for their comments, which have helped us improve our manuscript. Although everyday new data on COVID-19 is being published, its implications in patients with heart failure are still being elucidated and our study contributes to this knowledge by demonstrating early outcomes among these patients, using a health care system that facilitates outcomes detection and ascertainment in our region. We have modified the discussion to better reflect this, as shown below (additions underlined):

Page 12, lines 181-183:

“This is the first report describing the impact of COVID-19 infection in a geographically contained population of heart failure patients under the purview of an integrated health care system, providing insight into how such a system can be used to analyze early data on diagnosis status and outcomes ascertainment among its population.”

Also, we agree that the SARS-CoV-2 transmission among individuals with low SES may be a function of higher spread of infectious diseases in general. We have added this as one of the plausible explanations of our findings (additions underlined):

Page 13, lines 196-198:

“The causes for this finding are multifaceted and have been hypothesized to include the disproportionate number of minorities who are exposed to COVID-19 in their roles as “essential workers” and who spread the disease to their residentially segregated communities. Also, situations associated with lower socioeconomic conditions, such as housing insecurity and access to health care barriers, can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases. Taken together, these findings suggest an urgent need for a more nuanced strategy to tackle the disparate impact of the virus across vulnerable populations, including those with heart failure who are at particularly high risk.”

Submitted filename: ResponseLetter_YaleHF-COVID19_PlosOne 8.20.20.docx
Decision Letter - Chiara Lazzeri, Editor

COVID-19 Infections and Outcomes in a Live Registry of Heart Failure Patients Across an Integrated Health Care System


Dear Dr. Ahmad,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Chiara Lazzeri

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Formally Accepted
Acceptance Letter - Chiara Lazzeri, Editor


COVID-19 Infections and Outcomes in a Live Registry of Heart Failure Patients Across an Integrated Health Care System

Dear Dr. Ahmad:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Chiara Lazzeri

Academic Editor


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