Mapping the emotional face. How individual face parts contribute to successful emotion recognition.

4a. Plotting Results by Action Units

This notebook aggregates the tiles in accordance to the Ekman Action Units (AUs) they fall into.

The AUs have been manually defined on each individual face and each AU has a color code that identifies it. Now, the algorithm assigns each tile one or a number of AUs that are contained in it, so each tile has either an AU label, or it represents no AU.

importing the basic modules and files

In [1]:
from myBasics import *
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
logList = getFile('../rawTables/','pand*.csv')

Visualize the hand-drawn Action Units (AUs)


Get all the AUs for one picture. This is a list of single images, one per AU, where each AU is drawn in a different color.

In [3]:
myPicList = getFile('../auLabels/','f_ang*.png')

Now we have an array with all AU's that belong to the female angry face (f_ang):

In [4]:

For illustration purposes, here we plot all the hand-drawn AU's of that face

In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
for i,pic in enumerate(myPicList):
    im =
    ax = plt.subplot(1,len(myPicList),i+1)

Simple visualisation of all AUs on the faces

In [6]:
myPaintList =  []
for fGender in ['f','m']:
    thisList = []
    for fEmo in myLabels.values()[:-1]:
        thisFace = getFile('../auLabels/auVisualisation/',fGender+'_'+fEmo+'*.png')[-1]
In [7]:
In [8]:
def makePicturePlot(myPaintList):
    fig = plt.figure( figsize=(16,8) )
    i = 1 # counter for subplots
    for ident in range(2):
        for emo in range(6):


            ax = plt.subplot(2,6,i)
            ax.set_yticks([]); ax.set_xticks([])

In [9]:

Assign AUs to tiles

Get a list of all possible tile coordinates

In [10]:
def makeCoordinates(xNum,yNum,squareSize):
    myArray = []
    for x in np.arange(0,xDim,squareSize):
        for y in np.arange(0,yDim,squareSize):
            myArray.append( (x,y) )
    return myArray
In [11]:
thisCoord = makeCoordinates(6,8,50)
print thisCoord
print "\nNumber of Coordinates:", len(makeCoordinates(6,8,50))
[(0, 0), (0, 50), (0, 100), (0, 150), (0, 200), (0, 250), (0, 300), (0, 350), (50, 0), (50, 50), (50, 100), (50, 150), (50, 200), (50, 250), (50, 300), (50, 350), (100, 0), (100, 50), (100, 100), (100, 150), (100, 200), (100, 250), (100, 300), (100, 350), (150, 0), (150, 50), (150, 100), (150, 150), (150, 200), (150, 250), (150, 300), (150, 350), (200, 0), (200, 50), (200, 100), (200, 150), (200, 200), (200, 250), (200, 300), (200, 350), (250, 0), (250, 50), (250, 100), (250, 150), (250, 200), (250, 250), (250, 300), (250, 350)]

Number of Coordinates: 48

Small script to get the rgb color of each mask

In [12]:
def getColor(imName):

    im =
    # we loop through all pixels
    for y in xrange(im.size[1]):
        for x in xrange(im.size[0]):
            # we get the RGB+alpha values of each pixel
            r,g,b,a =  im.load()[x, y]
            # we are only intereset in colored pixels
            if (r,g,b) != (0,0,0):
                # store the present color for later re-use
                thisColor = (r,g,b)
                # and stop here
    return thisColor
In [13]:
getColor( myPicList[-1] )
(127, 188, 203)

Determining for each tile, whether it contains some colored pixels

We loop through the image, tile by tile. For this, we use For each tile, count the occurence of each color on a pixel-by-pixel basis. We use the thisCoord list of all tile coordinates (where each coordinate tuple denotes the upper left corner of the 50x50 tile).
The first output is a dictionary, with tile coordinates as keys and number of colored pixels as values.
The second output is the RGB value of the color used for that AU. Since each image contains only one AU and should have only one color, this works by taking the color of any non-black (0,0,0) pixel.

In [14]:
def getTiles(im,thisCoord=thisCoord,squareSize=50):
    # resize the image, if it is not exactly 300x400 (as it was presented in the experiment),
    # this should not be necessary in general
    im = im.resize((300,400))
    # the dictionary where we write the occurence of colored pixels for each tile
    thisCut = {}

    # we loop through the coordinate list
    for coord in thisCoord:
        # we get the (h)orizontal and (v)ertical coordinates from the tuple
        h,v = coord

        # we cut out the tile
        cut = im.crop((h,v,h+squareSize,v+squareSize))

        # we loop through all pixels of that tile
        for y in xrange(cut.size[1]):
            for x in xrange(cut.size[0]):
                # we get the RGB+alpha values of each pixel
                r,g,b,a =  pixdata[x, y]
                # we are only intereset in colored pixels
                if (r,g,b) != (0,0,0):
                    # store the present color for later re-use
                    thisColor = (r,g,b)
                    # count the occurence of colored pixels for that tile/coordinate pair

        # if the tile remained empty, assign zero
        if coord not in thisCut:
            thisCut[coord] = 0
    # return the dict and a tuple with RGB values of that Action Unit
    return thisCut,thisColor


In [15]:
print getTiles(im)
({(150, 100): 517, (150, 250): 0, (0, 250): 0, (250, 250): 0, (100, 50): 0, (50, 100): 649, (50, 250): 0, (100, 300): 0, (250, 100): 143, (0, 350): 0, (0, 200): 0, (100, 350): 0, (200, 100): 587, (50, 0): 0, (50, 150): 0, (100, 200): 0, (200, 150): 0, (0, 50): 0, (0, 300): 0, (100, 250): 0, (200, 200): 0, (150, 200): 0, (50, 50): 0, (250, 150): 0, (250, 300): 0, (150, 350): 0, (0, 150): 0, (0, 0): 0, (200, 300): 0, (250, 350): 0, (200, 0): 0, (200, 350): 0, (200, 50): 0, (0, 100): 160, (150, 0): 0, (250, 200): 0, (250, 50): 0, (50, 300): 0, (150, 150): 166, (100, 100): 354, (150, 50): 0, (100, 150): 128, (250, 0): 0, (150, 300): 0, (50, 200): 0, (50, 350): 0, (200, 250): 0, (100, 0): 0}, (127, 170, 212))

get tiles for all AUs

In [16]:
def makeAUTable(myPicList):
    # get number of colored pixels in each tile for all AUs of a face
    d = {}
    for pic in myPicList:
        d[pic] = getTiles( )
    # transform this into a dataframe
    bigDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for key in d:
        thisDf = pd.DataFrame(d[key][0],index=[key]).T
        bigDf = pd.concat([bigDf,thisDf],axis=1)

    return bigDf
In [17]:
../auLabels/f_ang_AU9.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU7.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU6.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU22+23+25.png
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0
100 160 0 36 0
150 0 0 185 0
200 0 0 0 0

Binarize in a way that multiple AUs can belong to a tile, but only if they pass a defined cutoff

In [18]:
def makeBinAUs(bigDf,cutOff=25):
    return (bigDf>cutOff).astype(int)
In [19]:
makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(myPicList) ).head()
../auLabels/f_ang_AU9.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU7.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU6.png ../auLabels/f_ang_AU22+23+25.png
0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0
100 1 0 1 0
150 0 0 1 0
200 0 0 0 0
In [20]:
d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(myPicList) ).to_dict()

visualize the result

In [21]:
def showTiles(bgIm,d,squareSize=50):

    imDict = {}

    # loop through the action units
    for au in d:
        # get the face image as a background to visualize on
        imOut =
        imOut = imOut.resize((300,400))
        # loop through the tile coordinates
        for coords in d[au]:

            h,v = coords
            if d[au][coords] == 1:
                thisColor = getColor(au)
                thisColor = 0

            faceTile = imOut.crop((h,v,h+squareSize,v+squareSize))

            if thisColor == 0:

                imOut.paste(faceTile, (h,v))


                # change its color by looping through all the pixels of the cutout
                for y in xrange(faceTile.size[1]):
                    for x in xrange(faceTile.size[0]):
                        pixdata[x, y] = thisColor
                    # paste the fully colored tile onto the background image
                    imOut.paste(faceTile, (h,v))
        imDict[au] = imOut
    return imDict
In [22]:
d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(myPicList) ).to_dict()
imDict = showTiles(picList[0][2],d)
In [23]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))
for i,im in enumerate(imDict):
    ax = plt.subplot( 1, len(imDict.keys()), i+1 )
    ax = plt.imshow(imDict[im])
    plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])

Get all the pictures and their respective AU lists

Here we define a dictionary picDict, wich is used to store the filenames of the original image and the AU images for each face.

In [24]:
def makePicDict(picList):
    picDict = {}
    for i,ident in enumerate(picList):
        for e,emo in enumerate(picList[i]):
            thisPic = picList[i][e]

            thisName = thisPic[thisPic.find('_')-1:thisPic.rfind('_')]

            myPicList = getFile('../auLabels/',thisName+'*.png')

            picDict[thisName] = {'auList':myPicList,
    return picDict
In [25]:
picDict = makePicDict(picList)
In [26]:
{'f_ang': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_ang_AU22+23+25.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_ang_cut.png'},
 'f_dis': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_dis_AU10+16+19+25+26.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_dis_cut.png'},
 'f_fea': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_fea_AU1.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_fea_cut.png'},
 'f_hap': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_hap_AU12.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_hap_cut.png'},
 'f_ntr': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_ntr_AU25.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_ntr_cut.png'},
 'f_sad': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_sad_AU1+4.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_sad_cut.png'},
 'f_sup': {'auList': ['../auLabels/f_sup_AU1.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_sup_cut.png'},
 'm_ang': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_ang_AU25+29.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_ang_cut.png'},
 'm_dis': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_dis_AU10+16+19+25+26.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_dis_cut.png'},
 'm_fea': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_fea_AU1.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_fea_cut.png'},
 'm_hap': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_hap_AU12.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_hap_cut.png'},
 'm_ntr': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_ntr_AU25.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_ntr_cut.png'},
 'm_sad': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_sad_AU1+4.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_sad_cut.png'},
 'm_sup': {'auList': ['../auLabels/m_sup_AU1.png',
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_sup_cut.png'}}

make a list with face names, which is sorted in a nice way, so we can use it for looping

In [27]:
picSort = []
for entry in picList:
    for subentry in entry:
print picSort
['f_hap', 'f_sad', 'f_ang', 'f_fea', 'f_dis', 'f_sup', 'f_ntr', 'm_hap', 'm_sad', 'm_ang', 'm_fea', 'm_dis', 'm_sup', 'm_ntr']

show all the tile-assignments of action units

In [28]:
{'auList': ['../auLabels/f_hap_AU12.png',
 'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_hap_cut.png'}
In [29]:
for entry in picSort:
    d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(picDict[entry]['auList'])).to_dict()
    imDict = showTiles(picDict[entry]['picFile'],d)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))
    for i,im in enumerate(imDict):
        ax = plt.subplot( 1, 4, i+1 )
        imName = im[im.rfind('_')+1:im.rfind('.')]
        ax = plt.imshow(imDict[im])
    saveName = '../figures/auAssignments/'+str(im[im.rfind('/')+1:im.rfind('_')])

Derive behavioral metric

These are the acutal behavioral data, which we now want to apply not to single tiles, but to groups of tiles which all belong to the same action unit. The algorithms to derive the values are esentially the same as in the previous notebooks.

In [30]:
metricDf = pd.read_csv('../outputs/weightDf.csv',index_col=[0,1,2])
metricDf.index.names = ['p','ident','emo']
metricDf = metricDf.sortlevel()
In [31]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
p ident emo
p096 m fea -100.000000 17.391304 17.391304 121.739130 4.347826 121.739130 43.478261 -8.695652 -100.000000 -100.000000 134.782609 4.347826 30.434783 82.608696 160.869565 -100.000000 -8.695652 -100.000000 4.347826 4.347826 -100.000000 4.347826 134.782609 -100.000000 4.347826 -100.000000 134.782609 4.347826 -100.000000 17.391304 -8.695652 -8.695652 -8.695652 -8.695652 213.043478 17.391304 -8.695652 -100.000000 30.434783 17.391304 17.391304 -100.000000 121.739130 -100.000000 -8.695652 4.347826 -100.000000 -100.000000
hap 2.595420 9.923664 24.580153 53.893130 -41.374046 -56.030534 -56.030534 -56.030534 -100.000000 -12.061069 112.519084 17.251908 61.221374 -63.358779 -100.000000 68.549618 -100.000000 2.595420 90.534351 -56.030534 90.534351 75.877863 -63.358779 -56.030534 -92.671756 134.503817 -26.717557 61.221374 -48.702290 112.519084 -85.343511 -4.732824 31.908397 -70.687023 46.564885 -26.717557 2.595420 332.366412 -12.061069 -34.045802 -19.389313 -19.389313 -100.000000 -41.374046 -12.061069 53.893130 9.923664 -41.374046
ntr 290.243902 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 251.219512 -100.000000 290.243902 251.219512 -100.000000 251.219512 641.463415 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 290.243902 251.219512 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 251.219512 -100.000000 -100.000000 251.219512 -100.000000 290.243902 -100.000000 290.243902 -100.000000
sad -100.000000 1.052632 102.105263 -100.000000 -100.000000 -24.210526 26.315789 -24.210526 304.210526 102.105263 -100.000000 127.368421 1.052632 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 26.315789 203.157895 76.842105 1.052632 -100.000000 -100.000000 102.105263 -100.000000 102.105263 -24.210526 304.210526 -100.000000 -100.000000 26.315789 1.052632 127.368421 -100.000000 -24.210526 1.052632 -100.000000 -100.000000 -24.210526 1.052632 26.315789 -24.210526 102.105263 1.052632 203.157895 -24.210526 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000
sup -69.953052 12.676056 -17.370892 -69.953052 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 27.699531 -9.859155 42.723005 -100.000000 -24.882629 110.328638 -100.000000 305.633803 20.187793 57.746479 -69.953052 -2.347418 -17.370892 140.375587 132.863850 87.793427 -100.000000 50.234742 42.723005 -54.929577 20.187793 35.211268 140.375587 -47.417840 -54.929577 27.699531 -100.000000 57.746479 -32.394366 -9.859155 27.699531 -17.370892 -2.347418 -39.906103 -100.000000 -24.882629 27.699531 -100.000000 110.328638 -17.370892 5.164319
In [32]:
def getWeight(metricDf,ident,emo,identDict=identDict,emoDict=emoDict):
    outDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for entry in metricDf.index.levels[0]:
        thisDf = pd.DataFrame( metricDf.ix[entry].ix[identDict[ident]].ix[emoDict[emo]] ).T
        thisDf.index = [entry]
        outDf = pd.concat([outDf,thisDf])
    outDf = outDf.sortlevel()
    return outDf

Table of that condition, with all participants

In [33]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
p001 25.925926 77.777778 -11.111111 -62.962963 -25.925926 -100.000000 107.407407 -33.333333 -100.000000 107.407407 55.555556 -25.925926 40.740741 -40.740741 -62.962963 -48.148148 -3.703704 11.111111 -100.000000 -70.370370 18.518519 77.777778 -70.370370 -70.370370 -33.333333 18.518519 -55.555556 -25.925926 3.703704 18.518519 -55.555556 -92.592593 85.185185 11.111111 40.740741 129.629630 -100.000000 129.629630 -25.925926 85.185185 -25.925926 151.851852 -40.740741 -100.000000 137.037037 -100.000000 18.518519 129.629630
p002 64.928910 64.928910 59.241706 -26.066351 -20.379147 -100.000000 70.616114 -43.127962 -43.127962 30.805687 64.928910 -14.691943 -14.691943 -100.000000 -100.000000 -26.066351 -60.189573 2.369668 -94.312796 -37.440758 8.056872 110.426540 -100.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 87.677725 -26.066351 36.492891 -20.379147 30.805687 -26.066351 -100.000000 93.364929 30.805687 76.303318 138.862559 -100.000000 47.867299 -20.379147 64.928910 -20.379147 195.734597 -94.312796 -100.000000 81.990521 -94.312796 53.554502 167.298578
p003 -30.012151 -53.341434 39.975699 -100.000000 -70.838396 80.801944 10.814095 -24.179830 39.975699 4.981774 -0.850547 -100.000000 104.131227 4.981774 -82.503038 -0.850547 -41.676792 -100.000000 45.808019 -59.173755 -35.844471 80.801944 28.311057 -47.509113 -18.347509 -53.341434 150.789793 -76.670717 -70.838396 104.131227 45.808019 39.975699 74.969623 -47.509113 109.963548 255.771567 -30.012151 -30.012151 -53.341434 -30.012151 -30.012151 -47.509113 4.981774 -47.509113 -35.844471 57.472661 -76.670717 109.963548
p004 -2.040816 -91.836735 -91.836735 -51.020408 -34.693878 144.897959 95.918367 -100.000000 -26.530612 6.122449 -42.857143 210.204082 22.448980 185.714286 14.285714 14.285714 38.775510 -100.000000 -51.020408 -100.000000 -100.000000 120.408163 -91.836735 14.285714 -34.693878 -100.000000 169.387755 -100.000000 6.122449 357.142857 -18.367347 -34.693878 -51.020408 14.285714 22.448980 63.265306 -26.530612 79.591837 46.938776 -26.530612 6.122449 -34.693878 -34.693878 -91.836735 -100.000000 -42.857143 46.938776 -100.000000
p005 290.921228 -10.280374 8.945260 -61.548732 -29.506008 8.945260 53.805073 -48.731642 8.945260 -10.280374 8.945260 -29.506008 85.847797 21.762350 -67.957276 -29.506008 -23.097463 -16.688919 -61.548732 28.170895 -55.140187 -100.000000 60.213618 -93.591455 15.353805 -100.000000 85.847797 53.805073 -67.957276 233.244326 -48.731642 8.945260 28.170895 -16.688919 105.073431 -42.323097 -42.323097 98.664887 -100.000000 -100.000000 -48.731642 -16.688919 15.353805 8.945260 -55.140187 -48.731642 8.945260 85.847797

Combining The AU assigments and the tile metrics

In [34]:
def writeMetric(metricDf,facePic,p,picDict=picDict,thisCoord=thisCoord):
    # names of action units 
    auList = picDict[facePic]['auList'] 

    # transforming the coordinates to indices from 0 to 47
    cCodes = {}
    for c,coord in enumerate(thisCoord):
        cCodes[ c ] = coord
    # dict to write to
    auDict = {float(np.nan):[]}
    # tracker for tiles belonging to no au
    notNan = []
    for au in auList:
        auDict[au] = []
        # mapping of coordinates to AUs
        d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(auList) ).to_dict()
        # looping through the metrics
        for key in metricDf.ix[p].to_dict():
            thisCoord = d[au][cCodes[int(key)]]
            # get the metric
            thisMetric = metricDf.ix[p].to_dict()[key]
            if d[au][tuple(cCodes[int(key)])] == 1:
                # adding value to 
                auDict[au].append( thisMetric)
                # keep track that this is not a nan

    # do that for the remaining nans
    for key in metricDf.ix[p].to_dict():
        if key not in notNan:
            thisCoord = d[au][cCodes[int(key)]]
            # get the metric
            thisMetric = metricDf.ix[p].to_dict()[key]
            # adding value to 
            auDict[float(np.nan)].append( thisMetric)

    # transform to df
    auDf = pd.DataFrame(index=[p])

    for entry in auDict:
        auDf[entry] = np.mean(auDict[entry])

    # cleaning up columns names
    cleanCols = []
    for e in auDf.columns:
        if type(e) == str:
            cleanCols.append(e[e.rfind('_')+1:e.rfind('.')] )

    auDf.columns = cleanCols
    return auDf


In [35]:
writeMetric( getWeight(metricDf,0,3),
nan AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5
p001 -10.003494 -1.805054 -26.353791 15.523466 125.270758

Do this for all participants

In [36]:
def writeAllMetrics(metricDf,ident,emo,picList=picList,picDict=picDict):

    facePic = picList[ident][emo]
    faceName = facePic[facePic.rfind('/')+1:facePic.rfind('_')]
    thisMetric = getWeight(metricDf,ident,emo)

    bigDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for p in thisMetric.index:
        thisDf = writeMetric(thisMetric,faceName,p,picDict=picDict)
        bigDf = pd.concat([bigDf,thisDf])
    return bigDf,faceName

Example: fearful female face (0,3)

In [37]:
fFeaDf,dummy = writeAllMetrics(metricDf,0,3)
In [38]:
nan AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5
p001 -10.003494 -1.805054 -26.353791 15.523466 125.270758
p002 -9.201378 -3.689320 -13.786408 -3.689320 157.864078
p003 -11.520737 37.142857 105.714286 -46.666667 151.428571
p004 -11.966701 -22.580645 16.129032 56.989247 -35.483871
p005 -4.403927 -30.434783 -47.826087 6.666667 53.043478

Do this for all faces

In [39]:
def writeAllFaces(metricDf,picList=picList,picDict=picDict):
    bigDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for ident in range(2):
        for emo in range(7):
            thisDf,faceName = writeAllMetrics(metricDf,ident,emo,picList=picList,picDict=picDict)
            thisDf.columns = [ [faceName]*len(thisDf.columns),thisDf.columns]
            bigDf = pd.concat([bigDf,thisDf],axis=1)
    return bigDf
In [40]:
bigAU = writeAllFaces(metricDf)
In [41]:
f_hap f_sad f_ang f_fea f_dis f_sup f_ntr m_hap m_sad m_ang m_fea m_dis m_sup m_ntr
NaN AU12 AU25 AU6 NaN AU15+25 AU1+4 NaN AU9 AU7 AU6 AU22+23+25 NaN AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5 NaN AU10+16+19+25+26 AU9 AU6 AU4 NaN AU2 AU1 AU25+26+27 AU5 NaN AU25 NaN AU12 AU25 AU6 NaN AU1+4 AU15+25 NaN AU25+29 AU7 AU4 NaN AU1 AU2 AU20+25 AU5 NaN AU10+16+19+25+26 AU4 AU6 AU9 NaN AU1 AU2 AU5 AU25+26+27 NaN AU25
p001 9.833972 7.407407 -0.529101 -22.222222 -19.420671 -2.040816 61.632653 -19.467061 34.715026 -8.808290 36.096718 13.989637 -10.003494 -1.805054 -26.353791 15.523466 125.270758 -25.658807 50.346741 -49.514563 -14.563107 25.242718 0.651982 -15.418502 -25.991189 14.285714 -64.757709 -2.699869 18.899083 -21.095890 -59.817352 57.077626 37.351598 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.679888 17.919075 -22.312139 -20.231214 -44.508671 13.506301 3.943662 -58.470825 -18.309859 -29.014085 18.692618 -81.491003 -52.699229 63.496144 -13.624679 -5.833042 40.831296
p002 8.252983 -41.706161 -19.566689 1.232227 -19.782355 1.204819 60.481928 -37.074247 68.782161 -9.433962 65.351630 31.732419 -9.201378 -3.689320 -13.786408 -3.689320 157.864078 -41.200828 75.155280 -100.000000 -39.920949 30.434783 9.136842 -46.947368 -64.631579 11.157895 -36.000000 -3.454715 24.183007 -24.236760 -43.925234 79.439252 30.841121 -14.590747 61.501132 -37.366548 -6.348282 -6.647808 33.663366 37.482320 5.747126 64.705882 12.941176 -30.392157 7.843137 3.711911 32.000000 -84.120301 -40.210526 -100.000000 26.007326 -53.846154 -36.752137 -25.641026 -11.111111 -2.570586 17.994100
p003 -13.922990 12.272175 21.645548 17.812880 -6.571087 -8.994709 26.666667 -28.035105 21.843003 -1.706485 22.866894 63.822526 -11.520737 37.142857 105.714286 -46.666667 151.428571 -43.111111 49.333333 -4.000000 37.696970 4.000000 -14.233503 -0.507614 11.675127 10.224801 48.900169 -10.379165 72.654155 1.768707 78.231293 35.147392 -29.251701 3.225806 -27.272727 33.333333 -19.191919 26.984127 85.858586 66.233766 12.551724 63.200000 -46.240000 -23.200000 -42.400000 -1.999833 -17.965024 50.442880 10.015898 -16.057234 -31.506849 -26.027397 -8.219178 4.794521 48.493151 -9.407666 65.853659
p004 -22.026742 65.306122 92.419825 -0.408163 -9.136566 43.712575 -2.275449 -8.777084 -2.056555 57.326478 7.969152 18.766067 -11.966701 -22.580645 16.129032 56.989247 -35.483871 -33.445378 49.747899 -36.470588 -1.176471 -2.941176 -22.292467 13.441654 27.621861 33.192657 -14.918759 7.711757 -53.982301 -7.976879 -16.763006 19.075145 8.208092 NaN NaN NaN -20.204604 26.708075 173.913043 71.428571 -3.532896 -70.552147 -52.883436 28.834356 69.325153 6.567303 -16.371681 9.228824 9.144543 9.734513 4.310652 4.738155 -16.209476 19.700748 -0.249377 -5.980066 41.860465
p005 -14.258091 40.987984 28.170895 17.276368 19.106700 5.494505 -63.076923 -3.970528 -33.810888 -34.670487 -23.209169 48.710602 -4.403927 -30.434783 -47.826087 6.666667 53.043478 -14.235145 50.493047 -21.415929 -28.173773 -40.530973 -17.338552 64.383562 62.035225 20.771596 -46.771037 0.348432 -2.439024 0.295791 -24.914676 11.035267 -0.068259 -15.542522 -20.661157 118.181818 -13.459621 14.285714 69.491525 51.089588 -27.893479 60.396040 18.811881 6.930693 107.920792 -2.416987 23.605150 -41.140405 -21.888412 -48.497854 -21.951220 93.902439 34.146341 -74.390244 16.097561 -5.946685 41.626794

Taking the nan (no Action Unit) as baseline

In [42]:
def baselineCorrection(df,cond):
    # select the condition
    thisCorr = df[cond]
    diffDf = pd.DataFrame()

    # for all action units
    for actionUnit in thisCorr.columns:
        # we subtract the baseline
        thisDiff = thisCorr[actionUnit]-thisCorr[np.nan]
        diffDf[actionUnit] = thisDiff
    diffDf = diffDf.drop(np.nan,axis=1)
    # restore the original structure of the multicolumns
    diffDf.columns = [[cond]*len(diffDf.columns),diffDf.columns]
    return diffDf


In [43]:
nan AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5
p001 -10.003494 -1.805054 -26.353791 15.523466 125.270758
p002 -9.201378 -3.689320 -13.786408 -3.689320 157.864078
p003 -11.520737 37.142857 105.714286 -46.666667 151.428571
p004 -11.966701 -22.580645 16.129032 56.989247 -35.483871
p005 -4.403927 -30.434783 -47.826087 6.666667 53.043478
In [44]:
AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5
p001 8.198440 -16.350297 25.526959 135.274252
p002 5.512058 -4.585030 5.512058 167.065456
p003 48.663594 117.235023 -35.145929 162.949309
p004 -10.613944 28.095734 68.955949 -23.517170
p005 -26.030856 -43.422160 11.070594 57.447405

Do this for the whole big table

In [45]:
def makeBaseline(bigAU):
    baselineDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for face in bigAU.columns.levels[0]:
        thisDf = baselineCorrection(bigAU,face)
        baselineDf = pd.concat([baselineDf,thisDf],axis=1)
    return baselineDf
In [46]:
baselineDf = makeBaseline(bigAU)


In [47]:
AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5
p001 8.198440 -16.350297 25.526959 135.274252
p002 5.512058 -4.585030 5.512058 167.065456
p003 48.663594 117.235023 -35.145929 162.949309
p004 -10.613944 28.095734 68.955949 -23.517170
p005 -26.030856 -43.422160 11.070594 57.447405
In [48]:

Example of re-loading

In [49]:
baselineDf = pd.read_csv('../outputs/actionUnitTable.csv',index_col=[0],header=[0,1])
In [50]:
f_ang f_dis f_fea f_hap f_ntr f_sad f_sup m_ang m_dis m_fea m_hap m_ntr m_sad m_sup
AU9 AU7 AU6 AU22+23+25 AU10+16+19+25+26 AU9 AU6 AU4 AU2 AU1 AU20+25 AU5 AU12 AU25 AU6 AU25 AU15+25 AU1+4 AU2 AU1 AU25+26+27 AU5 AU25+29 AU7 AU4 AU10+16+19+25+26 AU4 AU6 AU9 AU1 AU2 AU20+25 AU5 AU12 AU25 AU6 AU25 AU1+4 AU15+25 AU1 AU2 AU5 AU25+26+27
p001 54.182087 10.658771 55.563780 33.456699 76.005548 -23.855756 11.095700 50.901526 8.198440 -16.350297 25.526959 135.274252 -2.426564 -10.363072 -32.056194 21.598952 17.379855 81.053325 -16.070485 -26.643172 13.633732 -65.409692 NaN NaN NaN -9.562639 -71.977126 -31.816160 -42.520385 0.239187 -39.992027 -37.911102 -62.188559 -38.721461 78.173516 58.447489 46.664338 NaN NaN -100.183621 -71.391847 44.803526 -32.317297
p002 105.856408 27.640284 102.425876 68.806665 116.356108 -58.799172 1.279880 71.635611 5.512058 -4.585030 5.512058 167.065456 -49.959144 -27.819672 -7.020755 27.637722 20.987175 80.264283 -56.084211 -73.768421 2.021053 -45.136842 -0.299526 40.011648 43.830602 28.288089 -87.832212 -43.922438 -103.711911 58.958756 7.194050 -36.139283 2.096011 -19.688474 103.676012 55.077882 20.564686 76.091880 -22.775801 -79.853480 -62.759463 -51.648352 -37.118437
p003 49.878108 26.328620 50.901999 91.857630 92.444444 39.111111 80.808081 47.111111 48.663594 117.235023 -35.145929 162.949309 26.195165 35.568538 31.735870 83.033321 -2.423622 33.237754 13.725888 25.908629 24.458303 63.133672 46.176046 105.050505 85.425685 -15.965191 52.442713 12.015731 -14.057401 50.648276 -58.791724 -35.751724 -54.951724 76.462585 33.378685 -31.020408 75.261324 -30.498534 30.107527 5.479452 23.287671 36.301370 80.000000
p004 6.720529 66.103562 16.746236 27.543151 83.193277 -3.025210 32.268908 30.504202 -10.613944 28.095734 68.955949 -23.517170 87.332864 114.446567 21.618578 -61.694058 52.849140 6.861116 35.734121 49.914328 55.485123 7.373708 46.912678 194.117647 91.633175 -22.938985 2.661521 2.577240 3.167210 -67.019251 -49.350539 32.367252 72.858050 -8.786127 27.052023 16.184971 47.840532 NaN NaN 0.427503 -20.520128 15.390096 -4.560029
p005 -29.840360 -30.699959 -19.238641 52.681130 64.728192 -7.180784 -13.938628 -26.295828 -26.030856 -43.422160 11.070594 57.447405 55.246075 42.428986 31.534460 -2.787456 -13.612194 -82.183623 81.722114 79.373777 38.110148 -29.432485 27.745335 82.951147 64.549210 26.022137 -38.723418 -19.471425 -46.080867 88.289519 46.705360 34.824172 135.814271 -25.210466 10.739477 -0.364050 47.573479 -5.118635 133.724340 115.853659 56.097561 -52.439024 38.048780

Basic plotting

In [51]:
def makeActionUnitPlot(baselineDf,face):
    # select the face condition
    thisDf = baselineDf[face]
    colNames = thisDf.columns
    # get number of participants (with values)
    n = int(thisDf.describe().ix['count'][-1])
    # get all metrics into a df which we sort descending
    plotDf = pd.DataFrame()
    plotDf['mean'] = thisDf.mean()
    #print float( thisDf.mean() ), float( thisDf.describe().ix['mean'] )
    plotDf['ci'] = thisDf.std()/np.sqrt(n)*1.96
    plotDf['color'] = [rgb2hex(getColor('../auLabels/'+face+'_'+colName+'.png')) for colName in colNames]
    plotDf = plotDf.sort_values(by="mean",ascending=False)
    # plot this bar at the correct position and using the correct color
    # this is done in a 
    im = ,
            color= plotDf['color'],
    return im
In [52]:
In [53]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,28))
count = 1
for pic in picSort:
    if 'ntr' not in pic:
        ax = plt.subplot(4,3,count)
        ax = makeActionUnitPlot(baselineDf,pic)
        plt.ylabel('Percent Signal Change')

4b. Plotting Results by Face Half

This basically re-uses the scripts above, but there are only two regions and together they make up the whole face. Therfore, a difference score can be computed which summarizes for each face whether the upper face half (positive values) or the lower face half (negative values) is more important.

get the up/low mask images

In [54]:
myPicList = getFile('../auLabels/','*er.png')
In [55]:
['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png']

assign tiles to upper/lower half

In [56]:
makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(myPicList) ).head()
../auLabels/lower.png ../auLabels/upper.png
0 0 0 1
50 0 1
100 0 1
150 0 1
200 1 0
In [57]:
d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(myPicList) ).to_dict()

here, each face has the same two masks

In [58]:
def makePicDict(picList,myPicList):
    picDict = {}
    for i,ident in enumerate(picList):
        for e,emo in enumerate(picList[i]):
            thisPic = picList[i][e]

            thisName = thisPic[thisPic.find('_')-1:thisPic.rfind('_')]

            picDict[thisName] = {'auList':myPicList,
    return picDict
In [59]:
picDict = makePicDict(picList,myPicList)
In [60]:
{'f_ang': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_ang_cut.png'},
 'f_dis': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_dis_cut.png'},
 'f_fea': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_fea_cut.png'},
 'f_hap': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_hap_cut.png'},
 'f_ntr': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_ntr_cut.png'},
 'f_sad': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_sad_cut.png'},
 'f_sup': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/f_sup_cut.png'},
 'm_ang': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_ang_cut.png'},
 'm_dis': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_dis_cut.png'},
 'm_fea': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_fea_cut.png'},
 'm_hap': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_hap_cut.png'},
 'm_ntr': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_ntr_cut.png'},
 'm_sad': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_sad_cut.png'},
 'm_sup': {'auList': ['../auLabels/lower.png', '../auLabels/upper.png'],
  'picFile': '../experiment/app/static/img/m_sup_cut.png'}}

illustrate the masking

In [61]:
for entry in picSort:
    d = makeBinAUs( makeAUTable(picDict[entry]['auList'])).to_dict()
    imDict = showTiles(picDict[entry]['picFile'],d)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
    for i,im in enumerate(imDict):
        ax = plt.subplot( 1, 2, i+1 )
        imName = im[im.rfind('_')+1:im.rfind('.')]
        ax = plt.imshow(imDict[im])

    break # do this only for the first image

get the metric for each half

Here, there is no nan, because each tile must belong to one of the two masks


In [62]:
writeMetric( getWeight(metricDf,0,3),
/opt/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  warnings.warn("Mean of empty slice.", RuntimeWarning)
nan ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper
p001 NaN -1.805054 1.805054

get the metric for all faces and all participants

In [63]:
bigUpperLower = writeAllFaces(metricDf,picDict=picDict)
In [64]:
f_hap f_sad f_ang f_fea f_dis f_sup f_ntr m_hap m_sad m_ang m_fea m_dis m_sup m_ntr
NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper NaN ../auLabels/lower ../auLabels/upper
p001 NaN -2.469136 2.469136 NaN -9.523810 9.523810 NaN 5.699482 -5.699482 NaN -1.805054 1.805054 NaN 14.886731 -14.886731 NaN 7.488987 -7.488987 NaN -4.954128 4.954128 NaN -8.675799 8.675799 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -17.919075 17.919075 NaN 7.323944 -7.323944 NaN -4.884319 4.884319 NaN 3.667482 -3.667482
p002 NaN -13.744076 13.744076 NaN -7.228916 7.228916 NaN 7.718696 -7.718696 NaN 7.961165 -7.961165 NaN 28.260870 -28.260870 NaN 7.789474 -7.789474 NaN 5.555556 -5.555556 NaN -2.180685 2.180685 NaN -25.266904 25.266904 NaN 3.465347 -3.465347 NaN -15.359477 15.359477 NaN 22.105263 -22.105263 NaN -1.282051 1.282051 NaN -15.044248 15.044248
p003 NaN 3.280680 -3.280680 NaN -2.469136 2.469136 NaN 9.215017 -9.215017 NaN 2.857143 -2.857143 NaN 16.444444 -16.444444 NaN 8.967851 -8.967851 NaN 6.970509 -6.970509 NaN 2.947846 -2.947846 NaN 33.333333 -33.333333 NaN 13.131313 -13.131313 NaN -20.000000 20.000000 NaN -12.559618 12.559618 NaN 16.438356 -16.438356 NaN 15.447154 -15.447154
p004 NaN 19.727891 -19.727891 NaN -5.988024 5.988024 NaN 1.028278 -1.028278 NaN 14.516129 -14.516129 NaN 10.294118 -10.294118 NaN 14.918759 -14.918759 NaN -13.274336 13.274336 NaN 19.653179 -19.653179 NaN NaN NaN NaN -10.144928 10.144928 NaN 0.613497 -0.613497 NaN -14.749263 14.749263 NaN 10.723192 -10.723192 NaN -5.232558 5.232558
p005 NaN -9.212283 9.212283 NaN -38.461538 38.461538 NaN 5.157593 -5.157593 NaN -30.434783 30.434783 NaN 21.769912 -21.769912 NaN 8.806262 -8.806262 NaN -12.195122 12.195122 NaN -5.119454 5.119454 NaN -27.272727 27.272727 NaN 9.039548 -9.039548 NaN -16.831683 16.831683 NaN 4.291845 -4.291845 NaN 4.878049 -4.878049 NaN 23.444976 -23.444976

compute a difference score up minus down

In [65]:
def makeDiffDf(bigUpperLower):
    bigDiff = pd.DataFrame()
    for entry in bigUpperLower.columns.levels[0]:
        thisDiff = pd.DataFrame( bigUpperLower[entry]['../auLabels/upper']- bigUpperLower[entry]['../auLabels/lower'] )
        thisDiff.columns = [ [entry[0]] , [entry[2:]] ]
        bigDiff = pd.concat([bigDiff,thisDiff],axis=1)
    return bigDiff
In [66]:
bigDiff = makeDiffDf(bigUpperLower)


In [67]:
f m
ang dis fea hap ntr sad sup ang dis fea hap ntr sad sup
p001 -11.398964 -29.773463 3.610108 4.938272 9.908257 19.047619 -14.977974 NaN -14.647887 35.838150 17.351598 -7.334963 NaN 9.768638
p002 -15.437393 -56.521739 -15.922330 27.488152 -11.111111 14.457831 -15.578947 -6.930693 -44.210526 30.718954 4.361371 30.088496 50.533808 2.564103
p003 -18.430034 -32.888889 -5.714286 -6.561361 -13.941019 4.938272 -17.935702 -26.262626 25.119237 40.000000 -5.895692 -30.894309 -66.666667 -32.876712
p004 -2.056555 -20.588235 -29.032258 -39.455782 26.548673 11.976048 -29.837518 20.289855 29.498525 -1.226994 -39.306358 10.465116 NaN -21.446384
p005 -10.315186 -43.539823 60.869565 18.424566 24.390244 76.923077 -17.612524 -18.079096 -8.583691 33.663366 10.238908 -46.889952 54.545455 -9.756098

Make a figure

In [68]:
In [69]:
def makeUpLowPlot(bigDiff,emoReverse=emoReverse,stackColors=stackColors):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6))
    ax = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
    # hard-code the order to please us
    for e,entry in enumerate(myOrder):
        thisCond = bigDiff['f'][entry][e],
    ax.set_xticklabels(myOrder );
    ax.set_ylabel('Upper-Lower % Difference')
    ax.set_xlabel('emotion expression')
    ax.set_title('Female Face')

    ax = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
    for e,entry in enumerate(myOrder):
        thisCond = bigDiff['m'][entry][e],
    ax.set_xticklabels(myOrder );
    ax.set_ylabel('Upper-Lower % Difference')
    ax.set_xlabel('emotion expression')
    ax.set_title('Male Face')
In [70]:
In [ ]: