subID: subject ID subX: subject gender subG: subject group (1=ST) etudes: domain of study resp: response respTime: response time snsi: snsi response (0-1 scale) conf: confidence response (0-1 scale, -999 for reported errors) RTsnsi: response time for snsi judgment RTconf: response time for confidence judgment setsize: number of elements in the visual search display targettype: whether the target is an X or a T resptype: response category fixdur: fixation duration (jittered) frame: (N)eutral, (G)ain, (L)oss respQ1: capacity to orient in space: 0 (unimportant) to 1 (important) respQ2: succeeding in the test: 0 (unimportant) to 1 (important) respQ3: link between the test and studies: 0 (unimportant) to 1 (important) respQ4: link between the test and life: 0 (unimportant) to 1 (important)