Description of the dataset -------------------------- subj_id: subject id age: subject age (in years) sex: M=male, F=female handedness: L=left, R=right morph: Content of morph face. Possible values are FAH (female angry-happy), FDS (female disgust-surprise), FHID (female happy, identity), FID (female neutral, identity), MAH (male angry-happy), MDS (male disgust-surprise), MHID (male happy, identity), MID (male neutral, identity) task: identity, expression target_face: target face in the trial. Number refers to percentage morphing of target face. target_face_sex: sex of the target face in the trial target_face_id: type of morph of the target face HID=Happy, ID=Neutral, AH=Angry/Happy, DS=Disgust/Surprise target_face_morph: percentage morphing of the target face test_face_left: test face presented on the left, number refers to percent of target face. test_face_right: test face presented on the right, number refers to percent of target face. response: subject's response (left, right) response_level: subject's response coded as response level (0 indicating one extreme, 100 indicating the other) reaction_time: reaction time trimmed: whether the trial was removed for analysis because the RT was greater than 2.5 SD of the subject average RT.