TITLE: SEM model of math in the home data: file is 'C:\Sara\Math in the Home\second go at data collection\mathinhome52316c.dat'; FORMAT IS free; variable: missing = .; names are id math1-math50 anx1-anx6 compare_child_math compare_child_spatial compare_child_numbers cldq_spatial cldq_math age_yr income education compare_parent_math compare_parent_spatial rwscore gender childgender; USEVAR= math2 math3-math6 math8 math17 math18 math43 math45 math50 math9 math10 math11 math13 math15 math19 math20 math26 math44 math41 math29-math32 ; IDVariable is id; ANALYSIS: estimator = ml; convergence = .0000005; MODEL: home by math2* math3-math6 math8 math17 math18 math43 math45 math50 math9 math10 math11 math13 math15 math19 math20 math26 math44 math41 math29-math32; home@1; DHNE by math2* math3-math6 math8 math17 math18 math43 math45 math50; DHNE@1; IHNE by math9* math10 math11 math13 math15 math19 math20 math26 math44 ; IHNE@1; spatial by math41* math29-math32 ; spatial@1; home with DHNE@0 IHNE@0 spatial@0; DHNE with IHNE@0 spatial@0; IHNE with spatial@0; OUTPUT: SAMPSTAT RESIDUAL STANDARDIZED TECH4 TECH1 MOD; !PLOT: TYPE = PLOT1 PLOT2 PLOT3; !SAVEDATA: FILE IS C:\Sara\Project KIDS\ANALYSES\scores_nodif.dat; !SAVE IS fscores; !FORMAT IS free;