Figure 1.
Study area, including the Magdalena and Eslava rivers within the Basin of Mexico and the Mexico City Metropolitan Area.
Table 1.
The sampling design for the Magdalena-Eslava river system.
Figure 2.
Daily volumetric flow regime (1973–2010) measured at the hydrometric station Santa Teresa (26440).
Figure 3.
Interannual variation of the NFRs, RFRs, mNFRs and mRFRs measured at hydrometric station 26440.
Figure 4.
Annual volumetric flow regime at the outlet of the Magdalena and Eslava river basins.
Average, maximum and minimum flows.
Figure 5.
Duration curve of annual natural and regulated flows, Magdalena river basin, 1973–2010.
Figure 6.
Water flux distribution from 2008–2010 grouped by season.
Figure 7.
Spatial trend for the eight main water quality variables in the Magdalena River, based on 19 sampling stations.
Figure 8.
Spatial trend for the eight main water quality variables in the Eslava River, based on eight sampling stations.
Table 2.
The bacteria identified in the Magdalena River water samples in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Table 3.
The bacteria identified in the Eslava River water samples in 2010.
Table 4.
The geometric mean, standard deviation in log scale, maximum and minimum of Coliphage, Enterovirus, Adenovirus, Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia lamblia cysts in the Magdalena River water from 2008 to 2009.