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Fig 1.

Photos of plant appearances and spikes in the selected early heading lines and their parental wheat cultivars.

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Plant morphological characters in the selected early flowering lines and their four parental cultivars.

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Table 1 Expand

Table 2.

Grain-related traits measured using SmartGrain software in the selected early flowering lines and their four parental cultivars.

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Table 2 Expand

Fig 2.

Photos of mature grains and their transverse sections in the selected early heading lines and their parents.

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Fig 2 Expand

Table 3.

Grain-related traits measured by SKCS in the selected early flowering lines and their four parental cultivars.

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Table 3 Expand

Fig 3.

Scanning electron micrographs of grain sections of the synthetic hexaploid wheat line (Ldn/AT47), two parental bread wheat cultivars (Kitanokaori and Haruyokoi), and three selected early heading lines.

Photos of transverse sections of mature grains are shown for each accession. LS; large starch granule, BS; broken large starch granule.

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 4.

PCR-based genotyping of the Pin and Glu alleles in the selected early flowering lines and their four parental cultivars.

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Table 4 Expand

Table 5.

PCR-based genotyping of the Vrn-1 and Ppd-1 alleles in the selected early flowering lines and their four parental cultivars.

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Table 5 Expand

Table 6.

Alignments of RNA-seq reads to the CS reference genome and SNP calling.

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Table 6 Expand

Table 7.

SNPs between early heading lines and their backcrossed wheat cultivars.

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Table 7 Expand

Fig 4.

Chromosomal distribution of SNPs detected between the four parental elite cultivars of bread wheat and two synthetic hexaploid wheat lines.

RNA-seq data of the synthetic hexaploid wheat was generated by combining RNA-seq data of Ldn and of Ae. tauschii accessions AT74 or PI476874. The scant SNPs on the D chromosomes in the pair between Kitanokaori vs. the synthetic hexaploid wheat (Ldn/PI476874) were caused by the low coverage data of Ae. tauschii PI476874 generated by the Roche 454 sequencing platform.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Genome-wide graphical genotypes of the three selected early heading lines of Yukichikara.

Vertical bars (blue) indicate the SNP sites detected between the three selected lines and their backcrossed parental cultivar Yukichikara on each of the 21 wheat chromosomes.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Genome-wide graphical genotypes of the three selected early heading lines of Kitanokaori.

Vertical bars (blue) indicate the SNP sites detected between the three selected lines and their backcrossed parental cultivar Kitanokaori on each of the 21 wheat chromosomes.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Genome-wide graphical genotypes of the three selected early heading lines of Haruyokoi and Haruhinode.

Vertical bars (blue) indicate the SNP sites detected between the two selected lines and their backcrossed parental cultivar Haruyokoi and between the selected line and Haruhinode on each of the 21 wheat chromosomes.

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Fig 7 Expand