Integrating particle tracking with computational fluid dynamics to assess haemodynamic perturbation by coronary artery stents
Fig 1
Reconstructed μCT data of a stent cast and registration.
A: Theuse of PDMS casts of model vessels provided μCT scan data of accurate geometry and captured fine stent strut detail, including prolapsed struts (red arrow). Top: Optimising μCT scan and reconstruction parameters for homogeneous PDMS casts produced an image of the lumen with a clearly defined wall boundary. Bottom: Cutaway of a section of wall boundary reconstructed from a 9.92 μm resolution scan of a Coroflex Blue coronary stent cast. B: Rigid body registration was performed on models of a Coroflex Blue coronary stent and its associated cast, reconstructed from data from separate μCT scans. The two were aligned in an effort to measure the ability of casts to recreate the geometry of stents.