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Human click-based echolocation: Effects of blindness and age, and real-life implications in a 10-week training program

Fig 4

Illustration of spatial arrangements used to construct virtual spaces (T-mazes, U-mazes, Z-mazes) for the virtual navigation task.

In all mazes, the box represents the starting area and the dashed black line symbolises the end point which sounded echo-acoustically different because it had been constructed from corrugated plastic sheets. For each position (i.e. intersection in each route) there were eight sound recordings (0°–315° in 45° steps). To navigate, participants used the computer keyboard (inset on the right-hand side). Each press of the ‘W’ key would move the participant one step forward in the virtual maze and the ‘S’ key would move them one step backwards, but still facing in the same direction. Each press of the ‘D’ key would rotate the participant 45° in clockwise direction and the ‘A’ key would rotate them 45° anti-clockwise.

Fig 4
