Far-UVC light prevents MRSA infection of superficial wounds in vivo
Fig 2
Epidermal thickness of mice skin infected with MRSA and exposed to UVC light.
A) Representative cross-sectional images of hematoxylin and eosin-stained mouse dorsal skin comparing the epidermal thickness two or seven days after exposure to 40 or 300 mJ/cm2 from the 222-nm or 254-nm light to that of skin incisions that were uninfected by applying saline prior to exposure to either UV lamp (Saline). Skin incisions that were infected but not exposed to the UV light (MRSA) represented the positive controls. B) Quantification of epidermal thickness; values represent the average ± SD measured in nine randomly selected field of view per mouse. *p< 0.05, **p< 0.005 compared to positive controls (MRSA).