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Foraging and metabolic consequences of semi-anadromy for an endangered estuarine fish

Fig 5

Mean stomach fullness for wild Delta Smelt by mesozooplankton density.

Grey bars represent freshwater (<0.55 psu) and black bars represent brackish habitat (≥0.55 psu). Bins of low, medium, and high mesozooplankton abundance were defined by the rank of mesozooplankton abundance of each tow, 15 tows per bin in freshwater, and 15–16 tows per bin in brackish habitat. The number of fish that fell in each bin, in order of increasing mesozooplankton abundance, is 58, 76 and 83 in freshwater and 54, 48 and 50 in brackish. Note that we only tested for differences in means within freshwater or brackish habitat and that the x-axis is not continuous or to scale. Differing letters indicate statistically significant differences (there was no significant difference between the three brackish habitat means). Error bars are SEs.

Fig 5
