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A Generalized Radiation Model for Human Mobility: Spatial Scale, Searching Direction and Trip Constraint

Fig 3

Model error as a function of spatial distance and population at destination.

In the left panels, we show the normalized probability of traveling associated with given distance and population observed in the real data. The lighter the color is, the higher the probability is, which implies where travel fluxes in the mobility network are concentrated. In other panels, we show the Sørensen-Dice coefficient of the generalized radiation models. Note that the coefficient is in the range of 0 and 1 for all the case studies, and is assigned the same color for the same value. The lighter the color is, the higher the similarity between the model output and the real data is, which indicates the power of the predicting models over different distances and origin or destination population. The dashed line shows the trend of travel flux and the similarity index distributed along with distance and population.

Fig 3
