Gradual Reduction in Sodium Content in Cooked Ham, with Corresponding Change in Sensorial Properties Measured by Sensory Evaluation and a Multimodal Machine Vision System
Table 1
Sample ID, description of the sample, estimated sodium, potassium and NaCl content in the preparation of the eight cooked hams.
Each formulation varied in its amount of total salt. The reference cooked ham contained nitrite salt (Na 100 Reference). In the rest of the formulas (NaK100, NaK80, NaK60, NaK40 and NaK20) the amount of total salt content was gradually decreased to 20% of the amount of the salt in the reference cooked ham. To keep the mole ratio of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) constant (Na+: K+ = 3:1), all contribution of sodium and potassium from the raw material and the ingredients was added when calculation of the mole ratio.