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Efficient Differentiation of Steroidogenic and Germ-Like Cells from Epigenetically-Related iPSCs Derived from Ovarian Granulosa Cells

Fig 3

mGriPSC-EBs preferentially synthesize estradiol.

Mouse GCs (A) infected with pluripotency genes generate iPSC colonies. Arrow indicates primary granulosa cells. mGriPSC-EBs, when allowed to attach, synthesize estradiol (B) at concentrations 5 to 12 times those of G4-EBs and mFiPSC-EBs. Two-tailed t-test, *P<0.001, different from other two cell lines at same time point. G4-EBs primarily secreted progesterone (C) while mFiPSC-EBs produced negligible amounts of either. Two-tailed t-test, *P<0.005, different from other two cell lines at same time point. Scale bar: A 100 μm.

Fig 3
