Erasing the Past: A New Identity for the Damoclean Pathogen Causing South American Leaf Blight of Rubber
Figure 6
Hypothetical life cycle of Pseudocercospora ulei.
A. Asexual morph with conidiophores and conidia (Bar = 35µm) and conidiogenous cells with conidia at different stages of conidial formation. Pictures: Lesions to which the asexual morph is associated (left) and close-up of leaf bearing typical lesions (right). B. Spermogonial morph with stroma, spermogonia (Bar = 30 µm) and spermatia (Bar = 7 µm). Pictures: Lesions to which the spermogonial morph is associated (left), and close-up of the same lesions (right). C. Sexual morph with stroma, pseudothecia, asci and ascospores (Bar = 60µm). Pictures: Lesions to which the sexual morph is associated (left), and close-up of stromata (right). Dotted arrows indicate that both ascospores and conidia can infect young leaves.