Peronosporomycetes (Oomycota) from a Middle Permian Permineralised Peat within the Bainmedart Coal Measures, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica
Figure 2
Combresomyces rarus sp. nov. (Peronosporomycetes: Combresomycetales); scale bars = 100 µm unless stated otherwise.
Oogonium morphotype with sparse coverage of spines; some oogonia contain indeterminate contents. A. NRM S087932-01-02; B. NRM S087932-01; C. NRM S088053-01 arrow indicates attachment point to hyphae; D. S087932-01-02; E. S087932-01-02; F. NRM S087932-01-02 (holotype specimen) arrow indicates attached subtending hypha; G. NRM S087800-01; H. NRM S087932-01-02; I. NRM S087932-01-02 enlargement of oogonia wall and ornamentation, arrow indicates the hollow nature of the papillae, scale = 50 µm; J. NRM S087932-01-02 arrows indicate branched crown of ornamentation, enlargement shown in image I, scale = 50 µm; K. NRM S087932-01-02 arrow indicates attached subtending hypha; L. NRM S087932-01-02 oogonium in image K in different focal plane highlighting the nature of the ornamentation covering the oogonium surface.