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Aureolib — A Proteome Signature Library: Towards an Understanding of Staphylococcus aureus Pathophysiology

Figure 7

Expression clusters of σB-dependent proteins.

(A) Hierarchical clustering (Euclidian distance/complete linkage) of synthesis profiles of proteins for which transcription of the respective genes has been shown to be influenced by σB [48], [49], [50]. (B) Expression profiles of solely σB-dependent proteins. Abbreviations for stress conditions are: O (H2O2), D (diamide), P (paraquat), N (nitrogen monoxide), F (fermentation), A (nitrate respiration), H (heat stress), U (puromycin), and M (mupirocin). 1) Support for a σB-dependent transcriptional start point: experimental (black square), predicted (gray square), not identified yet (white square) [37], [43], [70]. 2) Impact of σB: solely σB-dependent/major effect on expression (black square), co-regulated by additional factors (gray squares), or not determined (white square) [50], [70]. Csb (controlled by sigma B) nomenclature based on Gertz et al. [50].

Figure 7
