Highly Specific Gene Silencing by Artificial miRNAs in Rice
Figure 3
Molecular characterization of transgenic plants.
Cleavage site mapping was performed on mRNA from one transgenic plant for each transgene in both varieties (Nipponbare and IR64). Numbers above the arrows denote the number of clones ending at the particular position, with the total number of clones in parentheses. The binding energy (ΔG) of the RNA-RNA duplex between target (denoted by TIGR locus identifier) and amiRNA is given in kcal/mol and as a fraction of the calculated binding energy for a perfect match to the target site. Total RNA from two transgenic plants for each construct (leaf tissue for SPl11 and Pds, young panicles for Eui1/CYP714D1) was used for RT-PCR for the target (histograms, top right), and small RNA blots (bottom right). Gel images are provided as loading control for small RNA blots. Comparison was to an empty vector control (IRS-154). Expression was normalized to the respective empty vector control. Error bars indicate the variation between technical replicates (range).