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A Comprehensive Protocol for Improving the Description of Saprolegniales (Oomycota): Two Practical Examples (Saprolegnia aenigmatica sp. nov. and Saprolegnia racemosa sp. nov.)

Fig 3

Boxplots representation of morphological features of Saprolegnia aenigmatica sp. nov. and Saprolegnia racemosa sp. nov.

A linear model analysis shows that the whole set of features analyzed could differentiate S. aenigmatica (1) from S. racemosa (2) (F8,441 = 98.31, p < 0.001). The following morphological features contributed were considered: (a) sporangia length, (b) sporangia breadth, (d) oogonia length, (e) oogonia breadth, and (h) oospore diameter, while (c) cyst diameter, (f) oogonia ratio (l/b), and (g) oospore number did not contribute to differentiate Saprolegnia species.

Fig 3
