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Putative Sugar Transporters of the Mustard Leaf Beetle Phaedon cochleariae: Their Phylogeny and Role for Nutrient Supply in Larval Defensive Glands

Figure 7

RNAi effects on transcript levels, amounts of defense secretions and chrysomelidial concentrations 10 days post RNAi induction in juvenile P. cochleariae.

A, Relative expression of chosen transporters in glandular tissue, normalized internally to Pcrpl6 and Pcrps3 and externally to gfp-control, n = 5. B, Amounts of secretions produced by individual larvae were weighted and normalized to the control treatments. n = 5. C, Secretions samples of RNAi induced larvae were analyzed using GC/MS; Amounts of chrysomelidial were normalized to internal standard (methylbenzoate), values were calculated against control. n = 5. Asterisks indicate level of significance (T-test, 2-tailed; p-value< = 0.05 = *, < = 0.01 = **, < = 0.001 = ***).

Figure 7
