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closeneutering age 9 Golden retriever male
Posted by emartin606 on 13 Mar 2017 at 21:13 GMT
My vet wants me to neuter my Golden age 9. from this article it appears you would not be in agreement. please confirm this.
RE: neutering age 9 Golden retriever male
blhart replied to emartin606 on 14 Mar 2017 at 18:55 GMT
From our studies I would say that neutering a 9-year old male Golden should not be related to any increased risk in a disease. If you were thinking of 9 months of age, I'd say wait until the dog is a year of age.
RE: neutering age 9 Golden retriever male
Factshonesty819 replied to emartin606 on 31 Aug 2017 at 16:27 GMT
Just saw this question from 5 months ago - sorry for the late posting.
My question would be: How does neutering a 9 year old golden benefit that dog? If he doesn't have prostatits or another condition that is helped by castration, then why do it? The UC Davis study sends a pretty clear message in my mind: if you are a responsible dog owner, it is in the male golden's best health and longevity interest to keep him in tact.
I sure hope there are updates to the UC Davis study...that they are studying this on an ongoing basis and collecting data.