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NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession number correction

Posted by song086 on 30 Mar 2018 at 08:40 GMT

The authors want to change the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession number SRR5248582 to SRP099367. This is a change only in the Data Availability Statement this change. It is not a change in sections of the text.
The authors have uploaded all the raw data on Mar 2, 2018. And obtained the SRA number is SRR5248582. However, the SRA accession number has changed to SRP099367 after raw data released. SRA Curator explained the reason for this change. SRA Curator explained that all files associated with a single run are converted into and archived as a single file of sequences. The run SRR5248582 contained 9 files, but these were all shuffled together into a single file called SRR5248582.sra. There would be no way to differentiate your 9 files except for by forward and reverse reads, and no way to associate a subset of those reads with a single BioSample. By creating a separate Run for each fastq file your sequences can now be differentiated by sample. The SRA Curator suggests referencing SRA archived reads using the study accession SRP099367.

No competing interests declared.