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closeMedia Coverage of This Article
Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 22 Jun 2013 at 00:40 GMT
The following articles represent some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: ABC Radio Australia
Title: “Crop yields are insufficient to meet 2050 global demands: study | Connect Asia | ABC Radio Australia”
Publication: Bloomberg Business Week
Title: “World Seen Facing Crop Shortfall on Insufficient Yields in Study - Businessweek”
Title: “World food production report has serious implications for Australia's security | The Courier-Mail”
Publication: EurekAlert press release
Title: “Yield trends insufficient to double global crop production by 2050”
Publication: Food Navigator
Title: “Crop yield trends insufficient to feed the world: Study”
Publication: Food Processing
Title: “Crop yields not increasing fast enough to feed the world in 2050 :: FoodProcessing”
Publication: Foreign Policy
Title: “Your depressing chart for the day | War of Ideas”
Publication: io9
Title: “We are way off target if we hope to feed everyone by 2050”
Publication: NBC News
Title: “Want to save the planet? Ditch meat, says study - Science”
Publication: Science 2.0
Title: “Legacy Food Production Techniques Won't Feed Population Of 2050”
Publication: The Conversation
Title: “Crop crisis: Why global grain demand will outstrip supply”
Publication: The Guardian
Title: “Growth in crop yields inadequate to feed the world by 2050: research | Environment |”
Publication: The Hindu
Title: “Crop yields will not meet 2050 global demand: study | The Hindu”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 29 Jun 2013 at 01:12 GMT
The following articles represent some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Science 2.0
Title: “Legacy Food Production Techniques Won't Feed Population Of 2050”
Publication: The Land
Title: “Doubling food production”
Publication: The Watchers
Title: “Global food production isn't increasing fast enough”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 05 Jul 2013 at 19:33 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Washington Post
Title: “This terrifying chart shows we're not growing enough food to feed the world”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 22 Jul 2013 at 20:43 GMT
The following articles represent some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Sci
Title: “Africa: Global Crop Yields Fail to Keep Pace With Demand”
Publication: Sci
Title: “Global crop yields fail to keep pace with demand”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 29 Jul 2013 at 20:18 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: MinnPost
Title: “Minnesota scientists shed fresh light on our need to increase food production | MinnPost”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 05 Aug 2013 at 22:49 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Eat Drink Better
Title: “Food Crisis: Can We Feed The World & Sustain The Planet?”
Publication: MinnPost
Title: “Minnesota scientists shed fresh light on our need to increase food production | MinnPost”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.