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closeCritique for the explanation ASMR is externally triggered
Posted by charders on 25 Apr 2019 at 00:41 GMT
I am grateful for the research here. I have known about has tomorrow as a child although I never had a name for it. I appreciate the work done and that there is more analysis being done into a trait that I’ve wondered about most of my life. One thing I want to note that I believe would be beneficial for future research is that ASMR can be triggered internally. Ever since I was a child I learned I could make goosebumps show up on my arms whenever I wanted. It took a bit of practice. But then I was able to get them across my entire body. I didn’t understand what I was doing was triggering ASMR. I have also been able to guide other people to self trigger ASMR. I was surprised they were able to experience it the very first time I demonstrated a breathing technique I do as one method of accessing the sensation. So I would recommend seeing if there can be more study done on other ways to trigger ASMR rather than audio and visual. Please feel free to reach out. I only want more research and understanding into this trait given the self-reports of ASMR as a solution to depression, anxiety and insomnia.
RE: Critique for the explanation ASMR is externally triggered
twilder replied to charders on 25 Jun 2019 at 10:51 GMT
I have also been able to internally trigger ASMR...for as long as I can remember. All I have to do is think about it. I am hoping for more research too, but I’m grateful for what’s been done so far. Charders, maybe you should post some videos to teach people the breathing techniques!