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Wrong calculation; Possibility of Publication and research bias, and unclearity

Posted by tshekhor on 23 May 2015 at 12:23 GMT

Figure 1 says in last, n = 33 derived from n = 29 while 1 study had 4 independent studies.
Then the calculation should be.
Number of single studies = 29- 1 (as 1 had 4 independent studies) = 28
& Number of extracted studies from that 1 is equal to = 4
So, Total studies should be 28+4 = 32

Simply think, basic mathematics.....
very silly mistake, but challenges the authenticity of work

Competing interests declared: very silly mistake, but challenges the authenticity of work

RE: Wrong calculation; Possibility of Publication and research bias, and unclearity

wanglie replied to tshekhor on 23 May 2015 at 15:08 GMT

Dear college, thank you for your concern. The point is that, due to my careless, I forgot to add a sentence "one study contains both HBsAg and occult infection" to figure 1, so that I deem this study as two indepent studies. Therefore 29+(4-1)+1=33. I only add this explanation in the part of "results", which is a mistake indeed, however not silly anyway. Also you can check figure 3 and figure 4, the total number of studies in the two figures is 33(22 in figure 3 and 11 in figure 4). Several days later I would contact the editors to upload a renewed figure 1. Any further doubt, contact me at any time.
Yours Lie Wang of China Medical University

No competing interests declared.