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Publisher's Note: Error in Figure 5 Legend

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 26 Aug 2013 at 22:03 GMT

There was an error in the figure 5 legend. The corrected version can be found below.

Figure 5. Maintenance of AAT-6 on the intestinal luminal membrane by NRFL-1. A, The localization of AAT-61−517::GFP::AAT-6518–523 was compared between aat-6 and nrfl-1(tm3501);aat-6 genetic backgrounds. Epifluorescence images of the distribution of AAT-6 in the intestine are shown for worms two, four and six days after hatching. In six-day old worm, the membranous localization of AAT-6 decayed in nrfl-1(tm3501);aat-6, whereas AAT-6 was retained on the luminal membrane in six days in the presence of NRFL-1 (aat-6). Scale bars: 100 µm. Representative pictures from more than ten worms analyzed for each are shown. B, Fluorescence intensity was measured to quantify the age-dependent regulation. The intensity of the intestinal luminal surface was peaked at day four with significantly stronger signal in aat-6 (gray column) compared with nrfl-1(tm3501);aat-6 (white column). The intensity at day six did not differ significantly between the strains (luminal membrane). The fluorescence intensity of the whole intestine showed a similar pattern (whole intestine). C, The localization index, luminal intensity divided by whole intestine intensity, quantifies the membranous localization. The six-day old nrfl-1(tm3501);aat-6 worm had a significantly lower score, showing age-dependent decay in luminal localization (localization index). Gray column, aat-6. White column, nrfl-1(tm3501);aat-6. Values are presented with mean ± S.E. (n = 5). D, Immunoblot and densitometric analysis of AAT-61−517::GFP::AAT-6518–523 in six-day old worm. Densitometric analysis followed by anti-GFP antibody immunobloting exhibited no significant difference in band intensity between the genetic backgrounds. A representative blot was presented with actin as a loading control. The bar graph indicates the relative band intensities of the respective sample. Values are presented with mean ± S.E. (n = 4).

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