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closeMedia Coverage of This Article
Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 12 Oct 2012 at 23:09 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Eureka Alert
Title: “Testosterone increases honesty”
Title: “Trust the hunks, they cheat less than wimps - News, Frontpage -”
Publication: IB Times UK
Title: “High Testosterone Levels Make Men More Honest - IBTimes UK”
Publication: International Business Times
Title: “Testosterone Might Keep Men From Lying And Cheating”
Publication: Mail Online
Title: “Is testosterone all bad? Researchers find high levels can make men MORE trustworthy | Mail Online”
Publication: Medical Daily
Title: “Is Testosterone the New Truth Serum? Male Sex Hormone Found to Promote Honesty in Men : Science/Tech : Medical Daily”
Publication: Medical News Today
Title: “Testosterone Makes Men More Honest”
Publication: Science Codex
Title: “Testosterone increases honesty | Science Codex”
Publication: The Press Association
Title: “The Press Association: Testosterone 'makes men lie less'”
Publication: Times of India
Title: “People with higher male hormone levels lie less - The Times of India”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 19 Oct 2012 at 21:07 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: Fox News
Title: “Does testosterone make men more honest? | Fox News”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.