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closeMeasurement of HD
Posted by AnnePhipps on 02 Feb 2016 at 06:32 GMT
Can you provide more information on how HD was assessed please.As it comes in various grades/measurements how did you establish the presence of HD beyond the 0/0 reference? I note you referred to the clinical signs as being the first notification but many dogs do not present with clinical signs and may not ever be recognised unless they are xrayed (e.g., for breeding purposes). And then when you had assessed it what comparison did you do? If you used 0/0 in a matched population it is fair to say that those score are not typical.
RE: Measurement of HD
blhart replied to AnnePhipps on 02 Feb 2016 at 21:43 GMT
Because this is a epidemiological study, one must use diagnostic criteria that can be used to designate whether or not the dog has met the criteria for hip dysplasia as stated in this paper. The diagnosis is made by the experts in the hospital. The criteria are the same for the neutered and the intact dogs, so any variation in degree of the joint disorder should be evened out with the sizable numbers. Note the paper subsequent to this one, 10.1371/journal.pone.0102241, compares the Lab with the Golden and reports major substantial differences in the occurrence in hip dysplasia with regard to neutering.