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closeMedia Coverage of This Article
Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 23 Feb 2013 at 01:07 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: The Seattle Times
Title: “New study on health impact of neutering dogs | Tails of Seattle | The Seattle Times”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
blhart replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Feb 2013 at 18:57 GMT
We cannot track where articles about our study have appeared. Our campus new office posted a fairly extensive press release which seems to have been reprinted in small and large circulation newspapers.
Below is the campus press release web archive.
The Davis Enterprise picked this up and I know a dog club newsletters plan to feature the study. CBS Sacramento did a short bit on the study.
Hal Herzog devoted his recent Psychology Today blog to the study in a folksy way – quite appealing. Here is the blog doi: http://www.psychologytoda...
The campus press release is:
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
halherzog replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 27 Feb 2013 at 13:39 GMT
I wrote a post on this article for my Psychology Today blog Animals and Us. Here is the link http://www.psychologytoda...
Hal Herzog
RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article
blhart replied to halherzog on 27 Feb 2013 at 17:05 GMT
Hal Herzog is a colleague of ours and has a great connection with the broader readership of new scientific findings. We appreciate his profiling our work to the relevant constituency of pet owners.
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
Greg_Smalley replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 28 Feb 2013 at 02:26 GMT
The study is mentioned in the "Comments" section of a popular blog on canine shelter/rescue/health issues, "YesBiscuit!" The blog topic is "Discussion: Tubal Ligations and Vasectomies on Puppies." One individual posting states that "A veterinarian from the Shelter Team at the University of Florida made these comments about the study" and posts those comments, which are critical of some aspects of the study. The source veterinarian and where the comments originally appeared are not identified further (I will post a link to the original source if found). Here is the link the blog mentioning the study: http://yesbiscuit.wordpre...
RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article
blhart replied to Greg_Smalley on 28 Feb 2013 at 06:54 GMT
This comment deals with the impact of the results of our paper in the shelter medicine community. Pointing out the increase in risks of several diseases from early spay/neuter, as our study does, is bound to raise controversy in the shelter community and their blogs and newsletters, because neutering before the dogs leave the shelters is becoming so standard. Using vasectomy and tubal ligation instead to induce sterility does need some background work, but is clearly doable. The criticisms of the study generally point to the limited number of cases followed for each disease, but the statistical analyses reveal significant effects of neutering. And, we emphasize that our disease findings are not out of the blue; previous work has mentioned these effects, but just by grouping breeds together, lumping early with late neutering and even lumping genders together. Our study focused on just one popular breed, the Golden Retriever, and separated genders and early versus late neutering.
RE: RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to blhart on 02 Mar 2013 at 00:43 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: CBS Sacramento
Title: “UC Davis Research: Early Dog Spaying, Neutering Can Increase Chances Of Disease - CBS Sacramento”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 02 Mar 2013 at 00:43 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Title: “Golden Retriever Study”
Publication: Mother Nature Network
Title: “Does neutering your dog harm its long-term health? | MNN - Mother Nature Network”
Publication: Psychology Today
Title: “Should We De-Sex All Of Our Pets? | Psychology Today”
Publication: Science Blog
Title: “Neutering your dog too early could cause harm |”
Title: “Benefits and Risks of Neutering, an Evidence Update: Study Investigates Effects of Neutering in Golden Retreivers | The SkeptVet Blog”
Publication: The Star
Title: “Don't want your golden retriever to get cancer? Don't neuter it | Toronto Star”
Publication: UC Davis News & Information
Title: “Golden retriever study suggests neutering affects dog health :: UC Davis News & Information”
Publication: Veterinary Practice News
Title: “Sterilization Can Put Golden Retrievers at Risk, Study Finds”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article
Greg_Smalley replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 07 Mar 2013 at 22:26 GMT
Publication: Penn Vet Working Dog Center “Working Dog News”
Title: “When to neuter?”
RE: Media Coverage of This Article
PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 12 Jul 2013 at 17:23 GMT
The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:
Publication: American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation
Title: “Health Implications in Early Spay and Neuter in Dogs”
If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.