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Acknowledgements (correction)

Posted by mboddaert on 27 Dec 2022 at 18:03 GMT

The authors wish to thank all stakeholders involved for their contributions to the development of the NQFPC; we are particularly in gratitude to the expert panel members for their time, enthusiasm, and expertise, to Birgit Frӧhleke and Wim Jansen (Palliactief, Dutch Society for Professionals in Palliative Care) for accommodating this project within their organisations, to Maureen Bijkerk for her work in researching the glossary of terms and to Elske van der Pol for managing this project and its team of peers. Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation for Yvette van der Linden (Centre of Expertise in Palliative Care, Leiden University Medical Center), Natasja Raijmakers and Heidi Fransen (both Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation, IKNL) for their rigorous and valuable reviews. We would like to thank Editage ( for English language editing.

No competing interests declared.