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closeStatement by PLOS ONE staff
Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 27 Aug 2018 at 08:58 GMT
PLOS ONE is aware of the reader concerns raised on the study’s content and methodology. We take all concerns raised about publications in the journal very seriously, and are following up on these per our policy and COPE guidelines. As part of our follow up we will seek further expert assessment on the study’s methodology and analyses. We will provide a further update once we have completed our assessment and discussions.
RE: Statement by PLOS ONE staff
ajanssen replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 28 Aug 2018 at 12:28 GMT
It may be useful to look at the history of the article "Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation..." by Robert Spitzer and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior (2003). In many ways, this is a similar study - sending a poorly designed study to a population with a vested interest in answering the questions in a specific way. This study was discredited soon after its release, and was a failure of the peer review process.
RE: RE: Statement by PLOS ONE staff
mboccia replied to ajanssen on 20 Sep 2018 at 20:22 GMT
Much research on change has been conducted since Spitzer's study. However, the results are clear. The work of Lisa Diamond is particularly compelling.
RE: Statement by PLOS ONE staff
mittitmithai replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 28 Feb 2019 at 06:50 GMT
Has there been any resolution to PLOS ONE's assessment?