About the Authors

Michaël Esquerré

Current address: Evotec, Toulouse, France

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Myriam Bouillette-Marussig

Affiliation Genticel, Paris, France

Anne Goubier

Current address: Tusk Therapeutics, Meise, Belgium

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Marie Momot

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Christophe Gonindard

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Hélène Keller

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Astrid Navarro

Current address: Evotec, Toulouse, France

Affiliation Genticel, Labège, France

Marie-Christine Bissery


Affiliation Genticel, Paris, France

Competing Interests

This study was funded by Genticel SA. M. Bouillette-Marussig, A. Goubier, M. Esquerré, M.C. Bissery, C. Gonindard, H. Keller, and A. Navarro are former Genticel employees. M. Momot is a Genticel employee with ownership interest. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: ME MBM AG MCB. Data curation: MM CG HK AN ME. Funding acquisition: MCB. Investigation: ME MCB MBM AG. Methodology: ME CG HK AN. Project administration: MCB. Supervision: MCB ME AG. Validation: ME MCB. Writing – original draft: ME. Writing – review & editing: ME MBM AG MM CG HK AN MCB.